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Strength Training Practices for Rowing – Part 1 – Reducing Injuries

April 3, 2020

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This review will focus on two of the most common and costliest injuries in rowing, as well as provide resources that can be used by strength coaches, rowing coaches, and self-coached rowers to inform training practices.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design Rowing Injury Reduction Low Back Pain Rib Stress Injuries Asymmetries

NSCA’s Coaching Podcast, Episode 69: Molly Galbraith


Molly Galbraith, Woman-in-Charge at Girls Gone Strong, talks to the former NSCA Head Strength and Conditioning Coach, Scott Caulfield, about the history of bringing Girls Gone Strong to fruition and filling the void of fitness information geared towards women. Topics under discussion include getting involved with the fitness industry and the NSCA, how to better coach women in a fitness setting, and creating educational content to support those who want to learn more. Find Molly on Instagram: @themollygalbraith or @thegirlsgonestrong

Coaches Professional Development

Agility and Coordination Training in a Pediatric Athletic Population

June 3, 2019

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A fundamental training program at a young age gives the athlete the opportunity to develop many skills needed to succeed. The implementation of agility and coordination training can help reduce the risk of injury and elevate a young developing athlete.

Coaches Program design Youth Training Agility and Coordination Training HS-Coaching Youth Athlete

Foundation Scholarship 2021


Over $80,000 will be awarded to these 38 impressive students from around the globe who are pursuing their academic dreams and representing the future of the strength and conditioning industry.

NSCA’s Coaching Podcast Special Episode – Being an Inclusive Leader with Matt Frakes, Bryan Doo, and Co-Host Jon Jost


Matt Frakes, Director of Sports Nutrition at Notre Dame Athletics, and Bryan Doo, former Head Strength and Conditioning Coach of the Boston Celtics National Basketball Association (NBA) team and owner of Optimal Fitness, join as guests with the NSCA Coaching and Sport Science Program Manager, Eric McMahon. Also returning is guest co-host Jon Jost, a 27-year veteran college strength and conditioning coach and the Team Sports Manager for Gatorade. This Gatorade Performance Partner Special Episode highlights the value of being an inclusive leader; the current level of support for diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives across the performance community; and how to foster inclusivity within your programs. Find Matt on Twitter: @SuperiorFrakes or Instagram: @superiorfrakes | Find Bryan on Twitter: @bdoo22 or Instagram: @bdoostrength | Find Jon via email: jonathan.jost@pepsico.com | Find Jon on Twitter/Instagram/Facebook: | Find Eric on Instagram: @ericmcmahoncscs or Twitter: @ericmcmahoncscs

Coaches Professional Development

Year-Round Strength Training for Collegiate Female Cross Country Runners— Sample Program

January 22, 2019

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Strength training is an often neglected aspect of training for distance athletes. This article gives an overview of the importance of strength training for collegiate female distance runners by providing a sample of an annual training program and considerations to increase performance and avoid injury.

Coaches Exercise Science Nutrition Program design Strength Training Female Athlete Collegiate Distance Runner Annual Training Program Injury Prevention

SCJ 46.3 Time-Saving Versus Time-Efficient Training Terminology, Methods, and Prescription

Quiz CATD 0.2

A common obstacle to achieving recommended physical activity and desired training goals is time. This is true for recreationally trained adults and athletes, particularly at the collegiate level, where greater restrictions on practice time and training are in place. One possible solution is to implement time-saving and time efficient training routines and methods that may limit the amount of time needed to attain desired physiological adaptations—by decreasing the time needed to train and/or by increasing the frequency with which brief workouts are completed throughout the week (e.g., “microdosing”). To provide the most optimal training stimulus, the correct method must be used. Unfortunately, numerous terms describe routines and methods discussed in the current body of available literature, many of which may seem similar and lead to confusion. The purpose of this article is to outline the similarities and differences of the numerous timesaving and time-efficient training routines and methods. Ultimately, this article synthesizes the current research into practical recommendations as programming options for strength and conditioning coaches and personal trainers. The information provided may also serve as a foundation for future research opportunities in time-saving and time-efficient training.

TSAC Research Review, Issue 39

April 1, 2016

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This article is the fourth of a continuing series that examines pertinent and recent tactical strength and conditioning research reviews.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Technique Program design fatigue firefighter fitness TSAC wellness for firefighters wellness programs Soldier load carriage

Understanding Low Back Pain for Golfers

April 12, 2024

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The purpose of this article is to discuss the biomechanics of the golf swing and injury prevention management that could result in improved movement throughout the golf swing and lower the recurrence of lower back pain.

Coaches Exercise Science Program design Golf Back Pain Posture Spine Shoulder Groin Rotation

Exploring the Positioning of Sport Science Programs within Intercollegiate Athletics

December 3, 2021


The purpose of this article is to outline the three general formats in which sports science programs are implemented within intercollegiate athletic departments and to provide pros and cons of each situation.

Coaches Professional Development Sport Science Athletic Department Sport Technology Academic Department

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