This review will focus on two of the most common and costliest injuries in rowing, as well as provide resources that can be used by strength coaches, rowing coaches, and self-coached rowers to inform training practices.
CoachesExercise TechniqueProgram designRowingInjury ReductionLow Back PainRib Stress InjuriesAsymmetries
This article is the second of a series of articles on strength training practices for rowing and seeks to provide information on periodization strategies for rowers of different competitive levels and schedules, as well as include sample periodization plans and sample programs.
This article provides an understanding of the role the core plays during execution of athletic movements, as well as provides evidence-based concepts that help to strengthen the core and maximize movement performance.
This article discusses the influence of lower-body power on soccer performance in collegiate female soccer players. It also covers testing for muscular power qualities, different training modalities to use, and sample training programs as examples.
This is the third and final article of a series on strength training practices for rowing and will focus on the energy systems development of rowing athletes.
CoachesProgram designRowingEnergy Systems DevelopmentHeart RateBreathing Strategies
This article will look at the use of supplements, nutrition, compression socks, cryotherapy, and myofascial release as enhanced recovery methods for endurance runners.
This article provides guidance on designing strength and conditioning programs for male collegiate trampolinists by combining the available sport science with practical coaching experience.
CoachesProgram designTesting and EvaluationSport ScienceTrampolinePlyometrics
This article demonstrates how strength and conditioning coaches can coach power through non-traditional weightlifting exercises that can be taught quickly, to large groups, with less extensive technique correction.
The goal of this article is to understand contralateral and ipsilateral loading, how to set-up loaded carries, electromyography activity during exercises, and how to apply these exercises into the strength training program.