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Exercise Science

(468 found)

Back Off: Strong Backs from Rehabilitation to Performance

October 1, 2019

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From the 2019 Tactical Annual Training, Rob Orr, co-lead of Bond University’s Tactical Research Unit, explains how the backs of tactical personnel can be compromised. He also details the systems that affect the back and how to construct programs to optimize physical conditioning and reconditioning.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Science Program design Basic Pathophysiology and Science of Health Status or Condition and Disorder or Disease Lower Back Lower Cross Syndromes Back Pain Force Transfer Tactical Personnel

A Holistic Approach to Tactical Operator Wellness and Performance

July 15, 2019

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Mick Stierli, a Sargent with the New South Wales Police Force and the creator of both the Physical Training Instructors program and the New South Wales Police RECON program in Australia, discusses his holistic approach to providing care and training to police officers over the course of their career from hire to retire at the 2018 NSCA Tactical Annual Training.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Science Program design TSAC Police Officers Injury Prevention Reconditioning FMS

Sport Injuries: Patterns, Trends, and Current Thinking

July 8, 2019

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World renowned Olympic training coach, Dan Pfaff, discusses how coaches can become a better performance supplier when managing athletic injuries. Pfaff also explains how to reduce lost time in practice and competitions, as well as how to reduce acute and chronic injury factors.

Coaches Exercise Science Exercise Technique Program design Client Consultation|Assessment Sports Medicine Kinetic Chain Movement Screening Return to Play Gait Control Motor Patterns

Bridging the Gap from Rehab to Performance

July 1, 2019

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Owner and founder of Structure and Function Education, Susan Falsone, discusses the organizational system she uses to bridge the gap between rehabilitation and performance at the 2019 Coaches Conference. This includes a review of the possible interventions used at each stage as well as linking mind and body together for a more well-rounded recovery.

Coaches Exercise Science Program design Somatosensory Control Psychomotor Control Pain Management Recovery

Optimizing Trunk Qualities to Heighten Resiliency, Maximize Performance, and Mitigate Injury

June 24, 2019


In this hands-on session from the 2018 Tactical Annual Training, Joel Raether, owner of Authentic Performance, discusses strategies and exercises he utilizes to improve trunk performance and resiliency, while subsequently demonstrating his progressions and regressions for these exercises.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Science Exercise Technique Program design Trunk Stability Tactical Athlete Hip Mobility Posture

The Science of the Somatosensory System: Enhancing Movement Accuracy

June 17, 2019


As a podiatrist, human movement specialist, and worldwide leader in barefoot science and rehabilitation, Emily Splichal has developed a keen eye for movement dysfunction and neuromuscular control during gait. In this session from the NSCA’s 2018 National Conference, Splichal discusses reflexive stabilization, macro- and micro-stability and how it relates to injury risk, and a ground-up approach to activation.

Personal trainers Coaches Exercise Science Exercise Technique Client Consultation|Assessment Barefoot Activation Stabilization Somatosensory Fascia

Periodization is Dead, or is it?

May 13, 2019

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Former President of the NSCA Greg Haff talks about how views on periodization have changed, and the importance of periodization for coaches and athletes to see consistent performance, in this 2018 National Conference video.

Coaches Exercise Science Program design Greg Haff Periodization Performance Strength and Conditioning

Maximizing Body Composition and Metabolism with Exercise and Nutrition

April 8, 2019


This 2018 National Conference video features Dr. Abbie Smith-Ryan discussing her research with body composition, and evidence based practices to improve body composition, and to maximize the potential through nutritional based strategies

Personal trainers TSAC Facilitators Coaches Exercise Science Nutrition BMI Body Composition Research

The Art of Integration—Periodizing Speed, Power, and Strength in the Training Process

April 1, 2019

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In this NSCA 2018 Coaches Conference video, Chris Bellon discusses integrating periodization for speed, power, and strength development for collegiate athletes.

Coaches Exercise Science Program design Periodization Speed Power Strength Training Collegiate Athlete

Human Performance Monitoring and Augmentation—Turning Data into Decisions

March 25, 2019

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In this session from the NSCA’s 2018 TSAC Conference, Josh Hagen explains the importance of having an understanding metrics and how to implement monitoring for tactical athletes to influence training for optimal performance.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Science Program design Testing and Evaluation Athlete Monitoring Metrics Tactical Athlete Data Analytics Military

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