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Choosing Exercises—“The Crunch”

April 1, 2017

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Should personal trainers include the crunch exercise in an exercise program? The answer should always be, “it depends;” however, arriving at the best answer requires a process.

Personal trainers Exercise Technique Program design crunch exercise core training crunches

Traditional Versus Minimalist Footwear—Injury Concerns

April 2, 2015

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When it comes to traditional versus minimalist footwear, there are many considerations for injury risk. This article weighs the risks and benefits of both types of footwear from focusing on current literature on the subject.

Personal trainers Safety minimalist running shoes running injuries Minimalist footwear

Foam Rolling for Performance and Recovery

February 2, 2015


Self-myofascial release (SMR) through the use of foam rolling or other implements is a time and cost-efficient method of increasing performance and recovery.

Personal trainers Exercise Technique exercise recovery self-myofascial release SMR Foam rolling

Personal Training for the Sedentary Office Worker

April 2, 2015


No training program can completely eliminate the risk of cardiovascular disease or low back pain, but some steps can be taken to decrease the likelihood of being afflicted by either.

Personal trainers Program design preventing back pain personal trainers cardiovascular disease Low back pain

Technology and the Personal Trainer—Interviews from Experts in Personal Training

April 2, 2014

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As consumers embrace technology, they are also expecting that same incorporation of technology into their exercise programs. This article shares how some top trainers are meeting this need.

Personal trainers Organization and Administration Personal training technology social media for personal trainers fitness technology

Land-Based Strength and Conditioning for Swimming

June 1, 2017


Incorporating land-based strength and conditioning into a training regimen can give a swimmer a competitive edge. As with every sport, there are sport-specific exercises the athlete should perform in order to mimic the specific sport movement they are trying to improve.

Personal trainers Exercise Technique Program design Swimming swim training land-based training dryland training

Varying Tempo for Hypertrophy

June 1, 2017

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Due to the principle of specificity, training should be tailored to the goal of the lifter in terms of the prioritization of strength, hypertrophy, health, and functional outcomes. If the goal is muscular hypertrophy, it may be beneficial to vary the repetition range, and to utilize a variety of loads and loading strategies in the pursuit of maximizing hypertrophy.

Personal trainers Exercise Science hypertrophy building muscle strength training weight training

Effects of Exercise on Diseases and Disorders—Part 2: Exercise and the Brain

June 1, 2017

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Exercise is an underutilized therapy for the treatment of cognitive diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease and depression. While exercise shows more promise for the prevention, rather than the treatment, of Alzheimer’s disease, exercise therapy compares favorably to the most common treatments of depression (psychotherapy and antidepressants).

Personal trainers Exercise Science Basic Pathophysiology and Science of Health Status or Condition and Disorder or Disease alzheimers depression cognitive disease exercise therapy

Effects of Exercise on Hypertension—Part 3

June 1, 2017

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Lifestyle modification, including exercise, is important for both preventing and treating hypertension. More recent guidelines for treating hypertension have increased emphasis on lifestyle factors, such as exercise. As fitness professionals, it is important to educate and encourage clients with hypertension on the importance of exercise in their overall health.

Personal trainers Exercise Science Program design Carmine Grieco Mike Reeder

Should Personal Trainers Also Be Registered Dietitians?

January 1, 2012

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Personal training clients may need to make both exercise and nutrition changes to achieve their goals. Combining the nutritional knowledge of registered dietitians and training aspects of personal trainers may be of benefit to clients.

Personal trainers Nutrition nutrition advice registered dietician Personal training

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