This column reviews recent literature that investigated the appropriateness of a commonly utilized on-duty exercise training modality for firefighters and describes the occupational demands of specialist tactical police officers.
This article explains the specific considerations of building a tactical training space and how to maximize the potential of the dedicated space by having a stable of equipment that reflects the needs of the audience.
Given their ability to discern physiological and technical aspects of a job task, TSAC-Fs may be able to collect some vital information that will assist with the underlying evidence to build the foundation of a physical abilities test.
TSAC FacilitatorsTesting and Evaluationmandatory physical abilities testingPATphysical abilities test
A comprehensive but realistic battery of tests can reveal those who are sufficiently fit and athletic to immediately assimilate into training with the least possible likelihood of failure or injury. The Occupational Physical Assessment Test (OPAT) was designed to identify those individuals and screen out those who require further physical development.
TSAC FacilitatorsProgram designTesting and Evaluationtactical strength and conditioningoccupational physical assessment testopat
The purpose of this article is to present a sample injury prevention program with a specific emphasis on lower body posterior chain development throughout competitive and non-competitive college lacrosse seasons.