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Plantar Fasciitis – Stepping in the Right Direction

December 26, 2020

Article Members Only

The purpose of this article is to show athletes and coaches how plantar fasciitis is diagnosed, treated, and transitioned back to athletic training for the athlete.

Coaches Exercise Science Program design Testing and Evaluation Plantar Fasciitis Rehabilitation Orthotics Physical Therapy

Foam Rolling for Performance and Recovery

February 2, 2015


Self-myofascial release (SMR) through the use of foam rolling or other implements is a time and cost-efficient method of increasing performance and recovery.

Personal trainers Exercise Technique exercise recovery self-myofascial release SMR Foam rolling

A Proactive Approach to Health and Performance—Nutrient and Blood Testing

December 1, 2012


The body’s system can be observed by blood testing to help achieve desired results whether training for a competition, pursuing an individual goal, or improving general health.

Coaches Nutrition nutrients blood testing Nutrition

Catch-22—Why Fundamental Motor Skills are so Important

December 1, 2012

Article Members Only

The purpose of this article is to highlight the 22 fundamental motor skills and offer practical suggestions for implementing fundamental motor skill training into an activity plan.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design fundamentals of movement youth training developing motor skills Motor skills

Developing a Career in Academia

June 1, 2017


Are you interested in pursuing a career in strength and conditioning research? Chad Kerksick, Assistant Professor of Exercise Science at the University of New Mexico, provides insight into some of the advantages and disadvantages of a career in academia. Kerksick talks about how to choose a path, and the different types of academic jobs available today.

Coaches Exercise Science Chad Kerksick academia strength and conditioning research exercise science post-doc Sport Sciencestrength and conditioning jobs strength and conditioning certification

Assessing Speed and Agility Related to Sport Performance

May 1, 2017


This article presents information about assessing speed and agility in a controlled environment with a test that is similar to the actual demands of a specific sport.

Coaches Testing and Evaluation performance test agility test speed testing assessment

The Recharge Skate – A Tool for Expressing In-Season Repeat Sprint Ability

March 4, 2022


This article features the recharge skate—an in-season hockey conditioning drill, designed by the authors, to maintain hockey-specific energy system fitness throughout the competitive season.

Coaches Exercise Science Program design Testing and Evaluation Ice Hockey Repeat Sprint Ability Alactic Energy Systems Development

Examining the Efficacy of Common Fitness and Movement Tests—Personal Perspective

June 1, 2017

Article Members Only

In the push for personal training sales, many gyms will use assessment protocols as a way to prove to clients that they can indeed benefit from personal training. This article examines the merits behind this concept.

Personal trainers Program design Testing and Evaluation PTQ Personal Training exercise assessment sales tactics

Knee Movement and Exercise Guidelines

July 29, 2019


This excerpt from NSCA’s Essentials of Personal Training discusses the importance of education on proper running surfaces, appropriate footwear, and the benefits of cross-training in addressing overuse of the knee.

Personal trainers TSAC Facilitators Coaches Exercise Science Program design Client Consultation|Assessment

Anaerobic and Muscle Endurance Development

May 1, 2017


This article provides essential guidelines for athletes beginning a strength and conditioning program that ensures safety and productivity of the training sessions.

Coaches Exercise Technique Weightlifting safety weight belts squat Olympic lifting technique lifting tips

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