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Agility and Quickness Test: Box Step-Off Landing Assessment

May 1, 2017


This book excerpt explains how to perform the box step-off landing assessment, which is used to determine an athlete’s readiness before beginning a program in agility and quickness.

Coaches Exercise Technique Testing and Evaluation Speed agility box test agility and quickness movement assessment exercsie assessment

Maintain Training While Traveling with Dumbbells: Personal Insight

January 1, 2014

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Coaches Exercise Technique Program design training with a barbell training with dumbbells dumbbells training modified training travel workouts training while traveling

Prevention of Hamstring Injuries in Sprinters

December 15, 2019

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The purpose of this article is to describe the cause of hamstring injuries in sprinters and present a biomechanical intervention, or drill, that can be used to prevent hamstring injuries while transitioning sprint athletes toward the utilization of frontside mechanics.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design Hamstring Injuries Sprinters Sprinting Mechanics

Dynamic Warm-Ups for the Land-Based Athlete

August 24, 2018

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One way to potentially lower an athlete’s susceptibility to injury is a proper warm-up protocol. Warm-ups can potentially aid in injury prevention as a result of optimized movement preparation, and it can also reduce muscle soreness and improve performance.

Coaches Program design Dynamic Warm-Ups Static Stretching Static vs Dynamic Stretching Programming Warm-Ups

Non-Specific Low-Back Pain and Corrective Exercise Solutions

June 25, 2021

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For those dealing with clients who have back pain, this article focuses on non-specific low-back pain and potential exercise solutions for it.

Personal trainers Exercise Science Program design Basic Pathophysiology and Science of Health Status or Condition and Disorder or Disease Back Pain Core Exercises Plank Pelvic Tilt Spine

Understanding Inter-Individual Responses to Exercise

December 11, 2020

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This article briefly describes how individuals can have the same training program, but have large fluctuations in the adaptation responses due to genetic and life style factors.

Personal trainers Exercise Science Adaptations Genetics Personal Trainer Biological Factors

Post-Workout Nutrition—Nutrient Timing and the Anabolic Window

October 1, 2014

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This article summarizes the relevant literature regarding post-workout nutrient timing and its importance to training adaptations, specifically increasing skeletal muscle hypertrophy and replenishing skeletal muscle glycogen stores.

Personal trainers Nutrition how many calories should I eat a day what to eat after a workout fitness nutrition post-workout nutrition Post workout meal

Improving Recovery for Tactical Athletes

September 16, 2019


The purpose of this article is to help provide recommendations of overall recovery modalities for tactical athletes.

TSAC Facilitators Nutrition Program design Recovery Tactical Athletes Nutrition Sleep

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