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The Vitamin D and Testosterone Connection

May 1, 2015


Dr. Lonnie Lowery spoke at the NSCA's 2012 National Conference about the connection between Vitamin D and testosterone.

Coaches Weightlifting technique coaching technique strength training weight lifting exercises coaching

Total Score of Athleticism – Holistic Athlete Profiling to Enhance Decision-Making

March 16, 2020


This infographic reviews a simple averaging system for athlete profiling, known as the total score of athleticism.

Personal trainers TSAC Facilitators Coaches Testing and Evaluation Infographics Athletic Profile Data Fitness Tests Strength Speed Cognition Balance

The Effects of Alcohol on Athletic Performance

June 1, 2017


The effects of alcohol on athletic performance vary depending on quantity, demographics, and type of exercise, making it difficult to determine specific recommendations. From an athletic performance standpoint, the acute use of alcohol can influence motor skills, hydration status, aerobic performance, as well as aspects of the recovery process.

Coaches Nutrition alcohol sports nutrition dietary recommendations strength and conditioning NSCA Coach

Tactical Facilitators in Firefighting

January 1, 2015


Advice and guidance for firefighter-specific TSAC practitioners and trainers, including steps to building a health and wellness program for firefighters.

TSAC Facilitators Program design strength and conditioning for firefighters training firefighters tactical strength and conditioning

Developing Powerful Athletes, Part 2: Practical Applications

June 26, 2020


This infographic discusses the practical application of training power across a variety of loads to encompass all motor skills in any one sport.

Personal trainers TSAC Facilitators Coaches Exercise Science Program design Infographics Strength Training Rate of Force Development Force Velocity

Implications for Training in Youth: Is Specialization Benefiting Kids?

May 1, 2017


Early sports specialization has been a controversial topic in the field of sports medicine, training, and conditioning. Recent studies report increased sports-related injuries in single-sport specialized athletes compared with multisport specialized athletes.

Personal trainers Coaches Exercise Science Program design Sports specialization youth training youth strength training infographics

The Red Light – Green Light System – A Simple Tool to Assess and Individualize Group Training

February 9, 2020

Article Members Only

This article introduces a potential solution for programming in the large group fitness setting with a wide variety of fitness levels.

Personal trainers Program design Client Consultation|Assessment Client Assessment Modifications Exercise Selection

The Importance of the Initial Interview—Establishing Credibility Quickly with a New Potential Client

October 1, 2014

Article Members Only

The initial interview is the starting point for the client-trainer relationship and sets the tone for the emotional connection and the development of trust and value for a long-lasting professional relationship.

Personal trainers Organization and Administration Professional Development how to succeed as a personal trainer personal trainer business personal training Personal trainer

Hierarchical Structure of Periodization Cycles

August 24, 2018


The periodization of training is facilitated by a hierarchical structure that allows for several distinct interrelated levels that can be used in the planning process. Each level of the periodization process should be based on the training goals established for the athlete or team.

Coaches Program design Periodization Program Design Training Load Training Volume

Factors Determining Quickness: Anticipation

May 1, 2017


Scenarios that provide a stimulus relevant to the sporting environment may help athletes develop better anticipation skills through the refinement of search strategies, response speed and accuracy, pattern recognition, and decision-making abilities.

Coaches Exercise Science speed training agility anticipation

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