This infographic highlights an investigation into the relationship between joint-based biomechanical variables in cutting and performance outcome during change-of-direction.
CoachesExercise ScienceTesting and EvaluationInfographicsChange-of-DirectionBiomechanicsGround Contact TimeHip FlexionForce Plates
This infographic briefly explains the effects of horizontal jump training, vertical jump training, maximal strength training, and explosive strength training on change-of-direction ability in junior team sport athletes.
Personal trainersCoachesProgram designInfographicsChange-of-DirectionMaximal StrengthExplosive Strengthhs-coaching
This infographic reviews the relationship between the National Football League (NFL) Combine and its ability to predict the subsequent five-year game performances.
CoachesTesting and EvaluationInfographicsNFL CombineTest ResultsPro-Agility3-Cone Drill40-yd Sprint
This infographic briefly reviews the differences in sprint velocity and technique, including stride length and hip, knee, and ankle flexion during a 20-meter resisted sprint.
This infographic explains the acute and chronic responses of velocity-based training (VBT). This is the third and final infographic of a three-part series explaining the theory behind and application of VBT.
CoachesExercise ScienceProgram designInfographicsAcute ResponseChronic ResponseVelocity Based Training