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(2,344 found)

Dumbbell Training and the Competitive Athlete

June 2, 2023

Article Members Only

This article provides a first-hand account of the usage and benefits of dumbbell training programs with athletes.

Coaches Program design Dumbbells Weightlifting Stability Coordination

Grant Panel Application


Each NSCA SIG has an executive council composed of a chair and at least two members. Applications are accepted from October 1 to December or January 15 annually. Check back during the application window for information on open positions.

Grant Reviewer Application


Each NSCA SIG has an executive council composed of a chair and at least two members. Applications are accepted from October 1 to December or January 15 annually. Check back during the application window for information on open positions.

Grant Panel Application_2023


Each NSCA SIG has an executive council composed of a chair and at least two members. Applications are accepted from October 1 to December or January 15 annually. Check back during the application window for information on open positions.

Coaching Advancement Grant & Assistantship Committee Application


Each NSCA SIG has an executive council composed of a chair and at least two members. Applications are accepted from October 1 to December or January 15 annually. Check back during the application window for information on open positions.

Investment Committee Application


The NSCA Foundation is seeking 1 individuals to serve on the Investment Committee for 3-year terms (2023-2026). The Investment Committee assists review the NSCA Foundation investments and work with the Board of Directors and Investment Manager to ensure appropriate stewardship of all funds. All work is done virtually and no in-person meetings are required.

Grant Committee Application


Each NSCA SIG has an executive council composed of a chair and at least two members. Applications are accepted from October 1 to December or January 15 annually. Check back during the application window for information on open positions.

Scholarship Committee Application


Scholarship Committee Application

Plant-Based Nutrition for Performance, Recovery, and Health

June 16, 2023

Article Members Only

This article provides a background on the benefits of plant-based nutrition for athletic performance, recovery, and overall health.

Personal trainers Nutrition Plant-Based Antioxidants Energy Protein Nutrients

Ice Hockey – In-Season Strength and Conditioning Considerations

June 30, 2023

Article Members Only

This article provides some practical applications to minimize the negative effects associated with a long intensive ice hockey season on ice hockey athletes.

Coaches Program design Ice Hockey Travel Fatigue Fitness

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