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(32 found)

Start Early—The Key to Preparing Athletes for the Rigors of High School Strength and Conditioning

October 1, 2013

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This article suggests how high school strength and conditioning coaches can not only prepare high school athletes for sports and fitness, but also help with the process of improving fitness and athleticism of all youth.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design sport specialization youth sports training LTAD long-term athletic development hs-coaching

Catch-22—Why Fundamental Motor Skills are so Important

December 1, 2012

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The purpose of this article is to highlight the 22 fundamental motor skills and offer practical suggestions for implementing fundamental motor skill training into an activity plan.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design fundamentals of movement youth training developing motor skills Motor skills

Why Youth Strength and Conditioning Matters

June 1, 2017


Providing a safe and effective youth strength and conditioning program is only the foundation of their long-term athletic development.

Coaches Exercise Science Program design Youth Training Srength and Conditioning Coaching LTAD Athletic Development

Youth Training and Long-Term Athletic Development


In recent years, youth strength training and models of athletic development have become hot topics thanks in part to a shift in youth sports from leisure activities to year-round commitments. In order for strength and conditioning professionals to help the athletes of tomorrow achieve their performance and fitness goals, it’s imperative to develop safe, effective, and balanced programming for the youth of today.

Using LTAD to Program for a Middle School Athlete and a High School Athlete: Part 1—Generating an Athletic Profile

October 29, 2018


This article applies LTAD principles to guide the process of generating an athletic profile (part 1) and sample program design (part 2) for a middle school athlete and a high school athlete.

Coaches Program design LTAD Youth Athlete Youth Training Guidelines Athletic Development hs-coaching

Integrative Neuromuscular Training for Youth Basketball Players

January 1, 2014


Strength and conditioning coaches with knowledge of the exercise principles for youth and the specific demands of basketball can design effective integrative neuromuscular training (INT) programs based on the individual needs of youth athletes.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design long-term athletic development LTAD youth training Integrative Neuromuscular Training hs-coaching

NSCA Position Statement on Long-Term Athletic Development

June 1, 2017


The official position statement of the NSCA on long-term athletic development.

Coaches Exercise Science Program design LTAD long-term athletic development youth training youth sports physical literacy youth physical development

Reconditioning from Sedentariness

July 29, 2019

Article Members Only

With the rapid development of technology, the daily demands for physical activity are significantly reduced. This article details four distinct phases for personal trainers to implement when working with clients coming from sedentary lifestyles.

Personal trainers Program design Client Consultation|Assessment Basic Pathophysiology and Science of Health Status or Condition and Disorder or Disease Lifestyle Change Sedentary Client Non-Exercise-Based Physical Activity

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