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(239 found)

Overcoming Challenges Associated with Training Youth Athletes

April 1, 2014

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Strength and conditioning professionals must be proactive in fighting the challenges associated with time constraints and overtraining with their youth athletes. By applying the strategies explained in this article, a strength and conditioning professional can help a youth athlete perform at a high level when it matters the most.

Coaches Program design sports performance weight training overtraining strength training youth athletes hs-coaching

Early Sport Specialization Versus Diversification in Youth Athletes

December 1, 2013


The purpose of this article is to discuss the different opinions regarding the validity of early sport specialization as opposed to diversification, specifically the effect these two methods have on injuries, motor development, skill acquisition, and social and psychological aspects.

Coaches Program design Personal Trainers long-term athletic development Youth training guidelines NSCA Coach

Windows of Optimal Trainability

April 1, 2016

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The “five Ss” of trainability and performance are critical periods of development that all youth strength and conditioning coaches should consider when creating a training program. Coaches should take advantage of each window to maximize a youth athlete’s potential and help ensure a long athletic career.

Coaches Program design LTAD youth training guidelines youth athletic training

Value of Omega-3s for Youth Athletes

May 1, 2015


Dr. Lonnie Lowery spoke at the NSCA's 2012 National Conference about the value of incorporating omega-3 fatty acids into the nutrition of youth athletes.

Coaches periodization training strength training athlete training program resistance training Athlete power development

Eccentric and Balance Training to Enhance Pistol Shooting Performance in the Young Athlete

November 19, 2018

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The Scholastic Action Shooting Program (SASP) is a speed shooting competition designed for school-aged youth. The key to training a successful SASP competitor is to not overlook the often forgotten balance and eccentric training exercises that target key muscle groups involved in the competition. An implementation of balance and eccentric training is suggested to aid the performance of young shooters in competition.

TSAC Facilitators Coaches Exercise Technique Program design Eccentric Training Balance Training Youth athlete Training for shooting Youth Training hs-coaching

Youth Performance and Fitness—Strength and Conditioning Information for Parents

March 1, 2013


Strength and conditioning professionals who incorporate a properly designed and supervised training program can help their young athletes train, compete, and reduce the likelihood of injury.

Personal trainers Coaches Exercise Science Program design youth athlete training youth strength training youth training guidelines

Building a Career for the Performance Trainer

May 1, 2015

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Diana Vives, MS, CSCS,*D, presents, "Building a Career for the Performance Trainer"

Coaches Professional Development Coaching Personal Trainer Performance Trainer Conference Career

The Growth and Maturation of the Female Pediatric Athlete

November 6, 2018

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Growth and maturation are two important processes that occur throughout an individual’s childhood and adolescent years. The purpose of this article is to review the dimensions, proportions, stature, body mass, and maturational events of all female pediatric athletes in general. It also serves to identify how early sport specialization and different modes of training of the female pediatric athlete affects her growth and maturation.

Coaches Exercise Science Program design Female Athlete Youth Training Youth Development LTAD Long Term Athletic Development Strength Training hs-coaching

Youth Training and Long-Term Athletic Development


In recent years, youth strength training and models of athletic development have become hot topics thanks in part to a shift in youth sports from leisure activities to year-round commitments. In order for strength and conditioning professionals to help the athletes of tomorrow achieve their performance and fitness goals, it’s imperative to develop safe, effective, and balanced programming for the youth of today.

Practical Application for Long-Term Athletic Development

May 28, 2012


Learn about the framework for practical, functional, and sequential skill development for a “best practices” model. This model is designed to develop a movement vocabulary, physical literacy, and movement skills for improved athleticism.

Coaches Exercise Science athletic long-term youth skill development movement movement skills athleticism physical literacy skill building

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