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(65 found)

What is the Catch? Clarifying Weightlifting Exercises and Terminology

January 1, 2013


This article covers commonly used terminology from United States of America Weightlifting (USAW), plus it contains illustrations of the basic positions for weightlifting exercises.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design Olympic-style weightlifting power snatch squat weightlifting clean and jerk snatch

Teaching Effective Lifting Techniques in a Large Team Setting

January 30, 2016

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In this session from the 2016 NSCA Coaches Conference, Matthew Chandler explains how to implement the core lifts (cleans, snatches, squat variations, deadlift variations) for high school athletes throughout a multi–sport demographic. Coach Chandler explains adjustments that can be utilized with groups that have mixed ability levels in order to maximize the understanding and execution of each lift.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design Olympic lifting deadlift high school athletes squats age hs-coaching

Transfer of Training for Agility

Traditional lower-body resistance exercise alone may not be an optimal means of developing agility. Further, the effectiveness of straight-sprint training on agility performance has not been well established. In contrast, jump training, including loaded jump squats and horizontal and lateral jumps, holds promise.

Coaches Program design Training for Agility Agility Lifting for Agility Program Design

NSCA’s Coaching Podcast, Episode 94: Andrew Stocks


Andy Stocks, Assistant Strength and Conditioning Coach at Augustana University and recently named NSCA Assistant Strength and Conditioning Coach of the Year, talks to the NSCA Coaching and Sport Science Program Manager, Eric McMahon, about persevering as a young coach in a tough career field. Topics under discussion include how his weightlifting and powerlifting background help him program for student-athletes and what he envisions his future as a head coach might look like someday. Find Andy on Instagram: @stocksthestrengthcoach or @augiestrength and Twitter: @augiestrength | Find Eric on Instagram: @ericmcmahoncscs or Twitter: @ericmcmahoncscs

Coaches Professional Development

How to Develop Power—A Look into the Preparation of a 2015 NBA 2nd Round Draft Pick

January 1, 2014


This article describes a five-week training program that was used to prepare an athlete for the NBA Combine.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design strength and conditioning exercises for basketball how to train for basketball basketball training NBA Combine

Correlating Sex-Specific Military Performance Training to Collegiate Lacrosse

February 10, 2023

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This article examines training from collegiate lacrosse programs and how this data can be used to develop data-informed recommendations and refine current approaches towards preparing military and tactical personnel for the Army Combat Fitness Test.

TSAC Facilitators Program design Testing and Evaluation Army Combat Fitness Test Military Soldier Lacrosse H2F Army

NSCA’s Coaching Podcast, Season 6 Episode 18: Tommy Moffitt


Hear from iconic strength and conditioning coach Tommy Moffitt as he debriefs on important lessons learned over a 34-year collegiate coaching career. Moffitt shares his perspective on the importance of training weightlifting movements, with NSCA Coaching and Sport Science Program Manager, Eric McMahon, and how these methods became an important element of “LSU Way” over an impressive two decades at the University. Topics include the development of young coaches, advice for landing an internship, and shared challenges we face in the strength and conditioning profession. In addition, Moffitt shares a new project he is currently working, the “Moffitt Method”, a new strength and conditioning and education service founded in 2022. Reach out to Tommy on Instagram: @tommymoffitt, Twitter: @TommyMoffitt, or by email at tommymoffitt5@gmail.com | Find Eric on Instagram: @ericmcmahoncscs or Twitter: @ericmcmahoncscs

Coaches Professional Development

Patterns of First Responders

July 1, 2014

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Tactical facilitators need to understand the movement patterns that first responders encounter because they can have a profound effect on underlying biomechanics and may contribute to excessive tissue loads.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Technique Program design Safety injury prevention for EMTs injury prevention for firefighters repetitive motion disorder Overexertion trauma

Push, Jump, Punch: A Developmental Approach to Teaching Athletes the Power Clean

June 27, 2015


Explore the developmental process of teaching an athlete how to perform a power clean. In this session from the 2015 NSCA National Conference, Joe Kenn demonstrates how to “slow cook” athletes to a fundamentally sound power clean through a process of implementing supplemental movements.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design Olympic Lifts Power Clean Joe Kenn

Resistance Exercise Programming—A Mixed-Training Approach

July 1, 2014

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Olympic-style lifting, functional training, powerlifting, and bodybuilding should all be considered when designing a program to improve general health, fitness, and functional capacity.

Personal trainers Exercise Science Exercise Technique Program design strength training technique how to get stronger bodybuilding powerlifting weightlifting Best strength training

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