Much in the same way that a single movement or a single workout does not make or break a training cycle, the same holds true for mental skills. The challenge is that the strength and conditioning coach will likely need to reach out to another professional trained in sport psychology to help establish the plan and construct the appropriate interventions.
In this hands-on session from the 2020 NSCA Coaches Conference, Allison Skufca, from Landow Performance, demonstrates progressions from their four pillars of speed and agility training with soccer athletes.
CoachesExercise TechniqueProgram designSpeedAgilityTop End SpeedDecelerationAccelerationSoccerEnergy Systems Development
Duncan French explains the strength and conditioning work with MMA fighters in both their aerobic and anaerobic capacities at the UFC Performance Institute in this 2018 National Conference video.
CoachesExercise ScienceExercise TechniqueProgram designMMADuncan FrenchPerformance DevelopmentAerobic CapacityAnaerobic CapacityConditioning for Fighters
This 2018 Coaches Conference video features rugby Strength and Conditioning Coach Ashley Jones discussing how his training and coaching philosophies have changed over time based on experience and science based principles.
CoachesExercise TechniqueProgram designAshley JonesStrength and Conditioning CoachCoaching PhilosophiesTraining PhilosophiesSpeedPower
In this video from the NSCA's 2014 Movement Performance Clinic, Gray Cook, OCS, CSCS, introduces the Functional Movement Screen (FMS), and discusses the importance of testing and assessing your athletes' and clients' ability to move well.
Personal trainersTSAC FacilitatorsCoachesExercise TechniqueProgram designFMSfunctional movement screen
A review of the literature concludes that a strength training program including low-intensity to high-intensity resistance exercises and plyometric exercises performed 2 – 3 times per week for 8 – 12 weeks is an appropriate strategy to improve running economy in highly trained middle- and long-distance runners.
Personal trainersCoachesExercise ScienceExercise Techniquerunning economyinfographics