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(757 found)

Bridge: Snatch Balance Progression Assessment and Mobility Correction for Athletes, with Matthew Delancy

June 10, 2019


Matt Delancy, Strength Coach for the University of Florida, coaches mobility progress from a snatch balance assessment.

Personal trainers Coaches Exercise Technique Snatch Progression Mobility

Methods for Screening and Preventing Common Injuries in Division I Basketball Players

January 1, 2015


By gathering information about potential risk factors associated with basketball injuries, strength and conditioning coaches can create individualized programs to help keep their basketball athletes healthy and performing at the best of their abilities.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design preventing basketball injuries injury prevention

Balancing the Imbalance—the Training of a Paralympic F44 Discus Thrower

December 10, 2018

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The rise of adaptive and Paralympic sports provides an opportunity for strength and conditioning professionals to share their expertise with a wider range of athletes. This article summarizes working with a physical therapist to build an annual training program with a focus on periodization for a Paralympic discus thrower.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design Paralympics Paralympic Athlete Periodization Annual Training Program Discus Thrower

NSCA’s Coaching Podcast, Season 6 Episode 20: Gary Calcagno


Hear from the 2023 NSCA Assistant College Coach of the Year, Gary Calcagno, from Oklahoma State University. In this episode, Calcagno shares highlights from a more than 30-year strength and conditioning career and how being resourceful as a once aspiring coach prepared him for lasting professional success with NSCA Coaching and Sport Science Program Manager, Eric McMahon. Calcagno also discusses his long history with the NSCA, recent areas of progress across the profession, and the role of quality leadership in managing a successful strength and conditioning program. You can reach Gary by email at gary.calcagno@okstate.edu | Find Eric on Instagram: @ericmcmahoncscs or Twitter: @ericmcmahoncscs

Coaches Professional Development

NSCA’s Coaching Podcast, Episode 70: Stuart Hart


Stuart Hart, Head Strength and Conditioning Coach for women’s basketball at the University of Nebraska, talks to the former NSCA Head Strength and Conditioning Coach, Scott Caulfield, about his journey from high school athlete to personal trainer to volunteer coach to full-time college strength and conditioning coach. Topics under discussion include a day in the life at the University of Nebraska, building relationships throughout the entire athletic staff, and the value of going to conferences for both educational and networking reasons. Find Stuart on Twitter: @No_DaysOff06 or Instagram: @strength_byhart

Coaches Professional Development

2020 Award Winners

Congratulations to the 2020 NSCA Award Winners!

Child’s Play: FUNdamental Warm-Up Games for All Sports

January 8, 2021


From the 2020 NSCA Coaches Conference, Ashley Jones, Strength and Conditioning Coach for the Houston SaberCats Major League Rugby team, presents a high-energy hands-on presentation highlighting fun warm-up games coaches can implement with their athletes.

Coaches Program design Warm-up Games Fundamentals Increase Blood Flow Increase Body Temperature hs-coaching

NSCA’s Coaching Podcast, Season 6 Episode 20: Gary Calcagno


Hear from the 2023 NSCA Assistant College Coach of the Year, Gary Calcagno, from Oklahoma State University. In this episode, Calcagno shares highlights from a more than 30-year strength and conditioning career and how being resourceful as a once aspiring coach prepared him for lasting professional success with NSCA Coaching and Sport Science Program Manager, Eric McMahon. Calcagno also discusses his long history with the NSCA, recent areas of progress across the profession, and the role of quality leadership in managing a successful strength and conditioning program. You can reach Gary by email at gary.calcagno@okstate.edu | Find Eric on Instagram: @ericmcmahoncscs or Twitter: @ericmcmahoncscs

Coaches Professional Development

Quadrathlon – A Test to Measure Improvements in Athletes

October 7, 2022

Article Members Only

This article explains the quadrathlon and how it can help strength coaches measure linear speed, speed-strength (power), and elastic or reactive qualities efficiently.

Coaches Testing and Evaluation Testing Quadrathlon Power Speed Sprint Jump

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