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(110 found)

Boots on the Ground: Purpose and Efficacy of United States Army Occupational Physical Assessment Test

April 1, 2017

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A comprehensive but realistic battery of tests can reveal those who are sufficiently fit and athletic to immediately assimilate into training with the least possible likelihood of failure or injury. The Occupational Physical Assessment Test (OPAT) was designed to identify those individuals and screen out those who require further physical development.

TSAC Facilitators Program design Testing and Evaluation tactical strength and conditioning occupational physical assessment test opat

The Importance of Proper Movement for Marines—Part 1: An Introduction to Movement and Potential Problems

April 1, 2015

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This is the first part of a four-part series that will address implementing a comprehensive evidence-based approach to proper movement patterns in order to reduce movement dysfunction in Marines.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Technique Program design USMC training Marine fitness testing Marine fitness training training to be a Marine Marine Corps fitness safe exercise technique USMC movement mechanics Proper movement

The Importance of Proper Movement for Marines—Part 2: The Solution

March 1, 2015

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This article provides a proposed holistic solution to increase functional, quality movement among Marines, thereby increasing physical performance, reducing injuries, and developing more effective warfighters.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Technique Program design USMC injury prevention performance testing

The Importance of Proper Movement for Marines—Part 4: Movement Education

October 1, 2014

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In the final part of this four-part series on proper movement, the author recommends that the US Marine Corps screen the movement quality of each Marine and educate them on how to move correctly in order to reduce the risk of injury.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Technique Program design HIIT movement assessment fitness for Marines injury prevention

High School Athletic Directors’ Resources


Resources for High School Athletic Directors and Administrators who are interested in adding a strength and conditioning position to their school or improving their existing strength and conditioning program. Includes tools for creating a position and evaluating your existing program, as well as information for parents.

Bone Stress Response Injuries in Law Enforcement Recruits

March 12, 2021

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This article looks to explain why law enforcement recruits have higher incidences of lower extremity bone stress responses and stress fractures. It also explores injury mitigation pathways to increase the graduation rates among law enforcement academies.

TSAC Facilitators Program design Basic Pathophysiology and Science of Health Status or Condition and Disorder or Disease Law Enforcement Bone Stress Recruits Injury Mitigation

Start Early—The Key to Preparing Athletes for the Rigors of High School Strength and Conditioning

October 1, 2013

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This article suggests how high school strength and conditioning coaches can not only prepare high school athletes for sports and fitness, but also help with the process of improving fitness and athleticism of all youth.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design sport specialization youth sports training LTAD long-term athletic development hs-coaching

Sample Job Description - Full Time Strength and Conditioning Coach


This sample job description is intended to be used as a starting point for creating a job description that is appropriate for your situation.

NSCA Named NYSS Champion


The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) recently recognized the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) as one of the first organizations to join the National Youth Sports Strategy (NYSS) Champion℠ program. HHS released the NYSS in September 2019 in response to Presidential Executive Order 13824, which called for a national strategy to increase youth sports participation. The NYSS is the first Federal roadmap with actionable strategies to increase participation in youth sports, increase awareness of the benefits of youth sports participation, monitor and evaluate youth sports participation, and recruit and engage volunteers in youth sports programming.

NSCA Releases Position Statement on Long-Term Athletic Development


Colorado Springs, CO - The National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) recently released a position statement in reference to the growing interest in long-term athletic development for youth.

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