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(72 found)

Fluid Periodization – Training the Modern Day Athlete

July 17, 2020

Video Members Only

In this session from the 2020 NSCA Coaches Conference, Matt Nein, Coordinator of Sports Performance at Salisbury University, discusses his fluid periodization model for coaches to use to easily adapt to the changing situations on a week-to-week (or even day-to-day) basis, and still optimize training for the athletes.

Coaches Program design Fluid Periodization Recovery Principles Performance Acute:Chronic Workload Ratio Volume

TSAC Research Review, Issue 46

June 1, 2017

Article Members Only

This article is the eleventh in a continuing series of tactical strength and conditioning (TSAC) research reviews. It is designed to bring awareness to new research findings of relevance to tactical strength and conditioning communities.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Science Organization and Administration TSAC Report Military police rmy 1-1-1 fitness assessment heat exposure dehydration postural sability firefighters live fire suppression

Sport Performance and Body Composition

June 1, 2017


All fitness components depend on body composition to some extent, and the demands of many sports require that athletes maintain standard levels of body composition.

Coaches Exercise Science Testing and Evaluation body composition weight classes body fat lean body mass

Physical Abilities Testing Validation for Public Safety

April 1, 2014

Article Members Only

Those who are in key decision-making positions should understand the importance of proper research, validation, and implementation procedures when developing physical fitness standards.

TSAC Facilitators Testing and Evaluation Safety physical fitness testing testing for job applicants Physical fitness standards

Performing a Lactate Threshold Test

January 26, 2020


This excerpt from NSCA's Guide to Tests and Assessments briefly discusses the method behind a lactate threshold test and the pretest considerations one might take prior to this test.

Personal trainers TSAC Facilitators Coaches Testing and Evaluation Lactate Threshold Energy Systems Blood Lactate ATP

Preparatory Period

September 4, 2020


This excerpt from the Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning outlines what training typically looks like in the preparatory period, or off-season.

Coaches Program design Preparatory Period Off-Season Hypertrophy Strength Endurance Basic Strength

Increasing Performance on Tactical Aerobic Endurance Tasks

August 24, 2018

Article Members Only

When isolating aerobic capacity as a determinant of performance, traditional interventions have focused on increasing an individual’s VO2max. Based on the large acute improvements from a single positive psychology research study, investigations into the application of integrated psychophysiological strategies to optimize performance should be explored.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Science Program design Aerobic Endurance Training TSAC Tactical Performance Task Neurofeedback Training

Injury Prevention for Tactical Personnel – Compiling the Evidence and Lessons Learned

July 1, 2019


Musculoskeletal injuries are the primary source of disability in the United States military. With the integration of movement screens and the implementation of tactical strength and conditioning facilitators there can be success in reducing the amount of musculoskeletal injuries in the tactical populations.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Science Program design Organization and Administration Testing and Evaluation Reducing Injuries FMS TSAC TSAC-F Injury Prevention

Sleep Health in High Performance Populations—Considerations to Optimize Athletic Potential

May 6, 2022


This article aims to provide a good understanding of sleep health and the way it affects high performance populations.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Science Sleep High Performance Sleep Hygiene Sleep Measurement

Six Essentials to Safe Participation

May 1, 2017


Hydration, footwear, and exercise frequency are only a few of the essentials to safe participation in cardiovascular activity. Make sure to include all six essentials in your program to ensure safe participation.

Personal trainers Coaches Exercise Science Safety Hydration Warm-Up Cool-Down Breathing Exercise Frequency Clothing Footwear

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