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Exercise Technique

(354 found)

Intensity or Resistance

September 17, 2018


The loading intensity a person chooses depends on his or her goals and training status (i.e., whether the person is a trained athlete or a sedentary individual). Ultimately, the number of repetitions you can perform at a given intensity or load determines the effects of training on strength develop.

Personal trainers TSAC Facilitators Coaches Exercise Technique Program design Intensity 1RM Resistance Training

Determination of Resistance Training Frequency

May 1, 2017


Factors such as the types of exercises used, the number of muscle groups trained per session, the structure of the program, and the client’s training status and overall fitness level dictate training frequency.

Personal trainers Exercise Science Exercise Technique Program design Training frequency how often should I lift weights resistance training strength training workout plans workout routines

"Get Up and Go" Drill for Rugby Players

May 1, 2017


The aim of the get up and go drill for rugby players is to develop the ability to accelerate from a low body position, which is especially important when accelerating into a potential contact situation.

Coaches Exercise Science Exercise Technique rugby training for rugby agility drills for rugby

5 Reaction Drills to Build Quickness

May 1, 2017


This book excerpt provides examples of quickness drills that may improve the ability to identify a specific stimulus and to respond quickly and appropriately.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design Agility ball drops drill shuffle reaction ball drill wave drill reactive sprint and backpedal drill reactive gear drill drills to improve quickness how to improve reaction times quickness

Football-Specific Speed Drills

May 1, 2017


This article presents two football-specific speed drills in detail—the single-leg box explosion and the mountain climber.

Coaches Exercise Science Exercise Technique Football exercise technique speed mountain climber single-leg box explosion

Effective Deceleration Technique for Court and Field Sports

May 1, 2017


Deceleration in court and field sports, such as football and soccer, is an important component of speed and agility. This book excerpt looks at how to train for effective deceleration.

Coaches Exercise Science Exercise Technique Deceleration technique speed training speed training drills football speed training soccer speed training

Anaerobic and Muscle Endurance Development

May 1, 2017


This article provides essential guidelines for athletes beginning a strength and conditioning program that ensures safety and productivity of the training sessions.

Coaches Exercise Technique Weightlifting safety weight belts squat Olympic lifting technique lifting tips

Power Clean

June 1, 2017


The power clean is similar to the power snatch but with two major differences. Firstly, the final bar position is at the shoulders, not over the head, and secondly, the grip is approximately shoulder-width apart, whereas the snatch has a considerably wider grip.

Coaches Exercise Technique power clean olympic lifts weightlifting kinetic select

Light Sled Pulls

June 1, 2017


Learn how to perform a light sled pull, which can help increase speed strength, power, and stride length.

Coaches Exercise Science Exercise Technique Program design light sled pulls sled pulls strength and conditioning power stride length

One-Arm Dumbbell Snatch

June 1, 2017


This article describes proper technique for the one-arm dumbbell snatch, which is a total body power exercise.

Coaches Exercise Technique dumbbell snatch strength training

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