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(435 found)

Employee or Independent Contractor? Guidelines for Classifying Workers

November 27, 2020

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Some positions within the fitness industry can be tricky to classify. This article helps businesses decipher the difference between a hired employee and an independent contracted position.

Personal trainers Legal Issues Professional Development Independent Contractor Employees Taxes Audits

Leveraging the Trends in the Fitness Studio/Gym Community

January 1, 2015

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Studio owners or aspiring owners can leverage current or emerging trends to grow (or start) their business, and better understand the fitness landscape to gain a competitive advantage.

Personal trainers Organization and Administration fitness studio personal training business personal training

Use of the FMS Screening Tool and Exercise Templates to Help Reduce Injuries and Improve Performance for Large Groups and Individual Military Members – A Personal Perspective

January 15, 2021

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This article is a personal perspective on utilizing the Functional Movement System (FMS) as a tool to identify potential problems and function efficiently on a large group scale to reduce the risk of injuries.

TSAC Facilitators Program design Testing and Evaluation FMS Injury Reduction Movement Patterns Military TSAC-F

Understanding Weight Bias among Personal Trainers and Practical Strategies

March 4, 2022

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This article seeks to explore weight bias and provide strategies to reduce weight bias behaviors.

Personal trainers Basic Pathophysiology and Science of Health Status or Condition and Disorder or Disease Professional Development

Supplemental Land Training Considerations for the Recreational Surfer

July 22, 2022

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This article outlines some programming considerations for the recreational surfer.

Personal trainers Program design Surfing Programming Mobility Core Paddling

Effect of Alternative Low-Impact Physical Activity and Exercise on Older Adults

January 29, 2021

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The purpose of this article is to discuss the various types of low-impact activities and their associated cardiovascular and musculoskeletal benefits.

Personal trainers Exercise Science Program design Basic Pathophysiology and Science of Health Status or Condition and Disorder or Disease Low-Impact Exercise Older Adults Skeletal Muscle Mass Quality of Life

Fartlek Training with Personal Training Clients

April 3, 2020


This article explains Fartlek training as well as how it can be programmed and individualized for different clients.

Personal trainers Program design Fartlek Training Intensity Anaerobic Aerobic Intervals ATP-PC

Myofascial Release (MR): Massage and Foam Rolling

February 29, 2020


This excerpt briefly explains myofascial release, self-myofascial release strategies, and benefits of these techniques.

Personal trainers TSAC Facilitators Coaches Exercise Science Program design Myofascial Release Soft Tissue Foam Roller Range of Motion Fibrous Adhesions

NSCA Announces 2022 Coach of the Year Awards


The National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) is proud to announce the recipients of the organization’s 2022 Coach of the Year Awards: Professional Strength and Conditioning Coach of the Year: Dan Dalrymple, CSCS, RSCC*E College Strength and Conditioning Coach of the Year: Liane Blyn, MS, CSCS, RSCC*E Assistant College Strength and Conditioning Coach of the Year: Ryan Metzger, MS, CSCS, RSCC

Enhancing Motor Learning with Sled Training

November 1, 2012


Sled exercises provide a training stimulus that closely mimics real-world physical demands of sports. This article provides examples of how to implement sled training into a program.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design personal trainer sled workouts power sled motor skills sled drag sled push prowler sled training

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