This infographic highlights an investigation into the relationship between joint-based biomechanical variables in cutting and performance outcome during change-of-direction.
CoachesExercise ScienceTesting and EvaluationInfographicsChange-of-DirectionBiomechanicsGround Contact TimeHip FlexionForce Plates
This infographic explains the acute and chronic responses of velocity-based training (VBT). This is the third and final infographic of a three-part series explaining the theory behind and application of VBT.
CoachesExercise ScienceProgram designInfographicsAcute ResponseChronic ResponseVelocity Based Training
This infographic introduces velocity-based training (VBT), and is the first of a three part series explaining the theory behind and application of VBT.
This infographic describes athletic movements through the force-time curve and associated considerations necessary to report and assess athletic force.
Personal trainersTSAC FacilitatorsCoachesExercise ScienceInfographicsForce-Velocity CurveForce-Time CurveRate of Force DevelopmentPower
This infographic presents data of the speeds and distances that experienced National Hockey League (NHL) players traveled over the course of 11 seasons.
Personal trainersTSAC FacilitatorsCoachesExercise ScienceProgram designInfographicsNHLSkating SpeedDistanceIntensity