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Exercise Science

(468 found)

The Components of Recovery for Tactical Operators

November 18, 2022

Article Members Only

This article uses relevant research and literature to provide suggestions for optimal recovery in tactical operators.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Science Program design Sleep Nutrition Stress Fitness Skill Training

A Framework to Guide Practitioners for Selecting Metrics during the Countermovement and Drop Jump Tests

February 18, 2022


This infographic outlines a three-step process to determine the efficacy of selected jump metrics and the ability to use them in practice.

Coaches Exercise Science Exercise Technique Testing and Evaluation Infographics Drop Jump Test Countermovement Jump Jump Height

Principal Component Analysis of the Biomechanical Factors Associated with Performance during Cutting

September 24, 2021


This infographic highlights an investigation into the relationship between joint-based biomechanical variables in cutting and performance outcome during change-of-direction.

Coaches Exercise Science Testing and Evaluation Infographics Change-of-Direction Biomechanics Ground Contact Time Hip Flexion Force Plates

Seven Pillars of Prevention: Effective Strategies for Strength and Conditioning Coaches to Reduce Injury Risk and Improve Performance in Young Athletes

April 16, 2021


This infographic highlights seven effective strategies to reduce the risk of injury in young athletes for strength and conditioning coaches.

Coaches Exercise Science Exercise Technique Program design Infographics Youth Athletes Growth and Maturation Needs Analysis Training Age hs-coaching

Velocity-Based Training, from Theory to Application: Responses

November 20, 2020


This infographic explains the acute and chronic responses of velocity-based training (VBT). This is the third and final infographic of a three-part series explaining the theory behind and application of VBT.

Coaches Exercise Science Program design Infographics Acute Response Chronic Response Velocity Based Training

Velocity-Based Training, From Theory to Application: The Basics

September 25, 2020


This infographic introduces velocity-based training (VBT), and is the first of a three part series explaining the theory behind and application of VBT.

Coaches Exercise Science Program design Infographics Velocity Feedback Adaptations Threshold

Scientific Basis for Eccentric Quasi-Isometric Resistance Training

July 17, 2020


This infographic briefly reviews the application and training adaptations of eccentric quasi-isometric resistance training.

Personal trainers TSAC Facilitators Coaches Exercise Science Program design Infographics Eccentric Quasi-Isometric Contraction Muscle Lengthening

Developing Powerful Athletes, Part 2: Practical Applications

June 26, 2020


This infographic discusses the practical application of training power across a variety of loads to encompass all motor skills in any one sport.

Personal trainers TSAC Facilitators Coaches Exercise Science Program design Infographics Strength Training Rate of Force Development Force Velocity

Developing Powerful Athletes, Part 1: Mechanical Underpinnings

June 12, 2020


This infographic describes athletic movements through the force-time curve and associated considerations necessary to report and assess athletic force.

Personal trainers TSAC Facilitators Coaches Exercise Science Infographics Force-Velocity Curve Force-Time Curve Rate of Force Development Power

The Intensity of Hockey Games in the NHL: Speeds and Distances Covered in Experienced NHL Players

January 26, 2020


This infographic presents data of the speeds and distances that experienced National Hockey League (NHL) players traveled over the course of 11 seasons.

Personal trainers TSAC Facilitators Coaches Exercise Science Program design Infographics NHL Skating Speed Distance Intensity

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