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(1,215 found)

Sport-Specific Training – A Guide to Exercise Selection

November 24, 2023

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This article seeks to help simplify the exercise selection process by providing clarity on how different exercises can aid in enhancing performance and potentially reduce injury risk.

Personal trainers Exercise Science Program design Sport-Specific Exercise Selection Joint Angle Squat

Resistance Training for Older Adults


The benefits of resistance training are almost overwhelming, however, too few older adults participate in resistance training, largely because of fear, confusion, and lack of consensus to guide implementation. It is the hope that this position statement may have a positive impact addressing these issues and on empowering healthier aging.

Biomechanics of Speed

September 16, 2019


This excerpt from Developing Speed looks at how a fundamental understanding of the biomechanical principles that affect speed can assist coaches and athletes in developing running speed.

Personal trainers TSAC Facilitators Coaches Exercise Science Program design Speed Force Biomechanics Laws of Motion

Passion in Coaching: The Importance of Having a “Sonic Boom”

April 1, 2016

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Passion, while imperative to training, must be paired with energy, enthusiasm, intention, and knowledge to truly make a difference and create your “sonic boom.” Being an effective strength and conditioning coach is a lifestyle, not a job, and with continued passion, you can affect many lives positively.

Coaches Organization and Administration Professional Development strength and conditioning coach Coaching profession NSCA Coach

Ice Hockey – In-Season Strength and Conditioning Considerations

June 30, 2023

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This article provides some practical applications to minimize the negative effects associated with a long intensive ice hockey season on ice hockey athletes.

Coaches Program design Ice Hockey Travel Fatigue Fitness


August 19, 2022


This excerpt from Developing Agility and Quickness explains the agility considerations for different wrestling disciplines.

Coaches Program design Wrestling Agility Quickness Balance

Tactical Combine - What does it Take to Become an Operator?

April 29, 2019


Jeff Carroll talks about his experience working with the tactical population and some of the key areas that tactical facilitators need to be aware of in training and testing for this population, in this session from the NSCA’s 2018 TSAC Annual Training.

TSAC Facilitators Program design Testing and Evaluation TSAC-F Program Design Testing Military

Technology and the Strength Coach—A Discussion of Practicality, Affordability, and Efficacy

November 1, 2014

Article Members Only

When choosing whether to purchase new technological advances, strength and conditioning coaches should consider price, practicality, and credibility in order to maximize the training of their athletes.

Coaches Organization and Administration fitness trackers fitness monitors fitness smartwatch wearable tech fitness apps Fitness equipment hs-coaching

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