Position statements are official statements of the NSCA on topics related to strength and conditioning and exercise science. All NSCA Position Statements are published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research® and free to the public.
It is important for strength and conditioning coaches, sport coaches, athletic trainers, and administrators to recognize and address the evidence of stress within student-athletes in order to avoid chronic stress-related anxiety and injury.
CoachesExercise ScienceNSCA Coachstresscollege athletesstrength and conditioning
The purpose of this article is to provide warfighters and tactical facilitators with an evidence-based approach to improve maximal strength and power using the trap bar deadlift as it relates to combat preparedness.
TSAC FacilitatorsProgram designPeriodizationTrap Bar DeadliftTSAC-FWarfighter
Part 2 of this series on allostatic load theory will focus on how monitoring personnel holistically can contribute to a well-rounded health and performance model supporting the tactical athletes.
TSAC FacilitatorsExercise ScienceProgram designTesting and EvaluationAutonomic Nervous SystemProgram DesignTesting and Evaluation
The aim of this article is to provide those working with tactical populations an introduction into tracking training load to mitigate injury risk while concurrently optimizing fitness.
TSAC FacilitatorsProgram designTraining LoadRate of Perceived ExertionIntensityExternal LoadInternal Load
This article discusses the benefits of utilizing evidence-based training approaches supported by current strength and conditioning research with law enforcement officer recruits.
TSAC FacilitatorsProgram designLaw Enforcement OfficersPolice Academy RecruitsPhysical Training
Many processes and applications are used for recovery programs but there are certain factors that must be taken into consideration before determining the optimal course of action.
CoachesProgram designpost workoutexercise routineexercise programspersonal trainingexercise programbest post workoutmuscle repairRecovery