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(104 found)

Developing Powerful Athletes, Part 1: Mechanical Underpinnings

June 12, 2020


This infographic describes athletic movements through the force-time curve and associated considerations necessary to report and assess athletic force.

Personal trainers TSAC Facilitators Coaches Exercise Science Infographics Force-Velocity Curve Force-Time Curve Rate of Force Development Power

Visual Feedback Attenuates Mean Concentric Barbell Velocity Loss and Improves Motivation, Competitiveness, and Perceived Workload in Male Adolescent Athletes

October 31, 2019


This study examined the effects of visual kinematic feedback during the back squat exercise.

Personal trainers TSAC Facilitators Coaches Program design Infographics Back Squat Visual Kinematic Feedback

Presence of Spotters Improves Bench Press Performance: A Deception Study

August 19, 2019


This infographic outlines a study that investigated the effect of the presence of a spotter on bench press performance.

Personal trainers TSAC Facilitators Coaches Exercise Technique Program design Testing and Evaluation Infographics Bench Press Spotting

Sled Pushing and Pulling to Enhance Speed Capability

June 3, 2019


This infographic takes a look at resisted sled training and the benefits it may have on sprint performance. It also offers insight into when and how to utilize resisted sled training.

Coaches Program design Infographics Sled Pushing Sled Pulling Acceleration Power

Youth Resistance Training

August 24, 2018


The National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) recognizes and supports the premise that many of the benefits associated with adult resistance training programs are attainable by children and adolescents who follow age-specific resistance training guidelines.

Coaches Exercise Science Program design Youth Resistance Training infographics Youth Programming

Alcohol Ingestion Hampers the Desired Muscular Adaptations to Resistance Exercise

May 1, 2017


There is evidence that alcohol should not be ingested after resistance exercise by men as this ingestion could potentially hamper the desired muscular adaptations to resistance exercise by reducing anabolic signaling.

Coaches Exercise Science Nutrition alcohol resistance training infographics

Strength Classification and Diagnosis: Not All Strength is Created Equal

February 17, 2023


This article presents a contemporary, evidence-based, and practical framework that reduces the many strength and speed-strength metrics into five distinct qualities.

Personal trainers TSAC Facilitators Coaches Program design Testing and Evaluation Infographics Isometric Strength Explosive Strength Reactive Strength

Acceleration Profile of High-Intensity Movements in Basketball Games

September 16, 2022


This infographic briefly explains a study that aimed to identify which movements during simulated basketball games require greater acceleration and their frequency of occurrence.

Coaches Program design Testing and Evaluation Infographics Basketball Acceleration Deceleration

Effects of Training on Sand or Hard Surfaces on Sprint and Jump Performance of Team-Sport Players: A Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis

June 18, 2021


This infographic breaks down training on different surfaces and how they affect performance outcomes.

Coaches Program design Testing and Evaluation Infographics Sand Sprint Jump Team Sports

Velocity-Based Training, From Theory to Application: The Basics

September 25, 2020


This infographic introduces velocity-based training (VBT), and is the first of a three part series explaining the theory behind and application of VBT.

Coaches Exercise Science Program design Infographics Velocity Feedback Adaptations Threshold

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