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Program Design

(905 found)

Creative Coaching Practices to Enhance Athletic Performance

July 15, 2019

Article Members Only

This NSCA Coach article describes how to manipulate movements, lifts, and rest periods in a way that controls time, space, and flow efficiently to creatively enhance athletic performance.

Personal trainers Coaches Exercise Science Program design Organization and Administration Strength and Conditioning Coach Coaching Effective Coaching Creative Programming

Implementing Olympic-Style Weightlifting in Strength Training for Sport

August 26, 2019

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This article considers some of the main differences between the training of Olympic weightlifters and the use of Olympic weightlifting exercises in strength training for sport.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design Olympic Weightlifting Power Snatch Power Clean Deceleration Plyometric Rate of Force Development

High-Intensity Resistance Training and High-Impact Training and Bone Mineral Density – Sample Training Program: Part 2

October 21, 2019

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This article will present a sample program that was implemented successfully by a group of older women in competition, and discuss the general exercise principles utilized to increase BMD in postmenopausal women.

Personal trainers Coaches Program design Bone Mineral Density Post-Menopausal Osteoporosis Osteopenia High-Intensity Training

Prevention of Hamstring Injuries in Sprinters

December 15, 2019

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The purpose of this article is to describe the cause of hamstring injuries in sprinters and present a biomechanical intervention, or drill, that can be used to prevent hamstring injuries while transitioning sprint athletes toward the utilization of frontside mechanics.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design Hamstring Injuries Sprinters Sprinting Mechanics

In-Season Training for High School 100-m Sprinters

February 29, 2020

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This NSCA Coach article focuses on the in-season resistance training and mobility exercises designed for the 100-m sprint track and field high school athlete.

Coaches Program design Sprinting High School Athlete Program Design Vertical Jump hs-coaching

National Basketball Strength and Conditioning Association (NBSCA) Performance Summit 2019 – Chicago in Review

March 21, 2020


This article provides a review of sessions presented at the 2019 National Basketball Strength and Conditioning Association (NBSCA) Performance Summit including strength and conditioning methods and coaching strategies, in-season strength programming, force plate assessment, injury prevention, and player monitoring.

Coaches Exercise Science Program design Testing and Evaluation Professional Development Basketball Conditioning Targeted Adaptations Pre-Season Testing Building Relationships

Strength Training Practices for Rowing – Part 1 – Reducing Injuries

April 3, 2020

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This review will focus on two of the most common and costliest injuries in rowing, as well as provide resources that can be used by strength coaches, rowing coaches, and self-coached rowers to inform training practices.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design Rowing Injury Reduction Low Back Pain Rib Stress Injuries Asymmetries

Strength Training Practices for Rowing – Part 2 – Strength Training for Performance

June 12, 2020

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This article is the second of a series of articles on strength training practices for rowing and seeks to provide information on periodization strategies for rowers of different competitive levels and schedules, as well as include sample periodization plans and sample programs.

Coaches Program design Rowing Periodization Strength Training Stroke Motion

Implementing Core Training Concepts into Strength Training for Sport

August 1, 2020


This article provides an understanding of the role the core plays during execution of athletic movements, as well as provides evidence-based concepts that help to strengthen the core and maximize movement performance.

Coaches Program design Oblique Rectus Abdominis Pelvic Floor Core Stabilizers The Kinetic Chain

Lower-Body Power Development for Collegiate Female Soccer Players

September 4, 2020

Article Members Only

This article discusses the influence of lower-body power on soccer performance in collegiate female soccer players. It also covers testing for muscular power qualities, different training modalities to use, and sample training programs as examples.

Coaches Program design Soccer Power Plyometrics Complex Training Strength

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