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(227 found)

Case Study: Youth who play multiple sports tend to be healthier, become better athletes, and have a lot more fun


Here are more reasons why award-winning Certified Strength and Conditioning Coach Scott Sahli is happy when kids are involved in multiple sports programs and supervised by certified strength coaches.

Why Your High School Needs a Qualified Strength and Conditioning Professional

June 1, 2017


A qualified strength and conditioning professional in the high school environment can benefit both the school and the students in a number of ways, including injury reduction, improved performance, and risk management.

Coaches Program design Organization and Administration risk management injury reduction ltad cscs NSCA Coach

Overcoming Challenges Associated with Training Youth Athletes

April 1, 2014

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Strength and conditioning professionals must be proactive in fighting the challenges associated with time constraints and overtraining with their youth athletes. By applying the strategies explained in this article, a strength and conditioning professional can help a youth athlete perform at a high level when it matters the most.

Coaches Program design sports performance weight training overtraining strength training youth athletes hs-coaching

Working with Elite Athletic Women’s Menstrual Cycle

May 19, 2023

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The purpose of this article is to share the importance of the menstrual cycle’s effects on elite athlete performance, and how these effects should influence the training and recovery of high-performing athletic women.

Coaches Program design Basic Pathophysiology and Science of Health Status or Condition and Disorder or Disease Menstrual Cycle Follicular Phase Luteal Phase Thermoregulation

Plantar Fasciitis – Stepping in the Right Direction

December 26, 2020

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The purpose of this article is to show athletes and coaches how plantar fasciitis is diagnosed, treated, and transitioned back to athletic training for the athlete.

Coaches Exercise Science Program design Testing and Evaluation Plantar Fasciitis Rehabilitation Orthotics Physical Therapy

Enhancing Motor Learning with Sled Training

November 1, 2012


Sled exercises provide a training stimulus that closely mimics real-world physical demands of sports. This article provides examples of how to implement sled training into a program.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design personal trainer sled workouts power sled motor skills sled drag sled push prowler sled training

The Application of Systematic Goal Setting for Strength and Conditioning Coaches

April 1, 2016

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Research on the benefits of using goals to increase athletic performance has shown that performance generally increases for athletes that use goals consistently. Learn how to move beyond generalities and see how a systematic goal setting approach can be paired with training athletes.

Coaches Program design sport psychology goal setting athletic performance

Training the “Post Youth” Client

May 1, 2015


The aging athlete and office worker are both being cramped into body positions that not ideal. People in these situations could greatly benefit from some daily exercises to perform to overcome these issues. In this hands-on session, attendees will be given some simple movements that can be adapted for anyone and any situation.

TSAC Facilitators Coaches Exercise Technique Program design Athletic Development Strength and Conditioning Daily Exercise

Strongman Training for Youth

April 1, 2014

Article Members Only

Strength and conditioning coaches can safely and effectively integrate strongman training into youth strength and conditioning programs by following established programming guidelines and available research recommendations.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design LTAD strength and conditioning exercise strength and conditioning youth strength training strongman training

Agility and Coordination Training in a Pediatric Athletic Population

June 3, 2019

Article Members Only

A fundamental training program at a young age gives the athlete the opportunity to develop many skills needed to succeed. The implementation of agility and coordination training can help reduce the risk of injury and elevate a young developing athlete.

Coaches Program design Youth Training Agility and Coordination Training HS-Coaching Youth Athlete

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