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(129 found)

Aerobic Endurance Training Strategies

June 1, 2017


Various aspects of resistance training, such as specific exercises chosen, workout structure, resistance used, volume (repetitions and sets), rest intervals between sets, and training frequency, can be manipulated to mold the strength training program to best meet an endurance athlete’s goals.

Coaches Exercise Science kinetic select Aerobic endurance endurance training aerobic training

Dryside Training for Swimmers—Using Ropes to Increase Muscular Endurance

June 1, 2017

Article Members Only

The exercises mentioned in this article are a small sampling of the drills available to the strength and conditioning coach when using rope drills. By adding these movements to a swimmer’s dryside training, swimmers can gain muscular endurance that will complement wetside training.

Coaches Exercise Science Exercise Technique Program design NSCA Coach swimmers dryside training rope drills battling ropes

The French Contrast Method – Theory and Application

April 7, 2023

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The purpose of this article is to discuss the theory behind the French Contrast Method (FCM), current evidence demonstrating its effectiveness, as well as proper implementation and execution for athletic populations.

Coaches Program design French Contrast Method Plyometrics Power Velocity Rate of Force Development

Aerobic Endurance Training Strategies

May 1, 2017


Various aspects of resistance training, such as specific exercises chosen, workout structure, resistance used, volume (repetitions and sets), rest intervals between sets, and training frequency, can be manipulated to mold the strength training program to best meet an endurance athlete’s goals.

Coaches Program design coaching attentional styles attentional focus sport psychology strength and conditioning

The Impact of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome on a Female Athlete’s Performance and Overall Health

March 11, 2022

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This article serves to educate strength and conditioning coaches on the influence exercise can have on the various hormonal pathways that are impacted by polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), including insulin resistance, cortisol, testosterone, follicle-stimulating, and luteinizing hormones.

Coaches Exercise Science Basic Pathophysiology and Science of Health Status or Condition and Disorder or Disease Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Hormones Insulin Resistance Cortisol Testosterone

A Review of Hydration and Body Composition for Wildland Fire Suppression Aids

February 12, 2021

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This article explains the importance of educating and supplying firefighters with the right tools for hydration and optimal body composition to safely and effectively execute their job tasks.

TSAC Facilitators Nutrition Hydration Wildland Firefighters Body Composition

Strength Training

July 24, 2020


This excerpt provides a brief snapshot of the use of carbohydrates in resistance training exercise sessions.

Personal trainers TSAC Facilitators Coaches Exercise Science Nutrition Carbohydrates Resistance Training Glycogen Insulin

TSAC Report - First Responder Column

July 26, 2024

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This column reviews recent literature that investigated the appropriateness of a commonly utilized on-duty exercise training modality for firefighters and describes the occupational demands of specialist tactical police officers.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Science Program design Firefighter Special Tactical Police Officer High-Intensity Resistance Training Heart Rate

National Basketball Strength and Conditioning Association (NBSCA) Performance Summit 2019 – Chicago in Review

March 21, 2020


This article provides a review of sessions presented at the 2019 National Basketball Strength and Conditioning Association (NBSCA) Performance Summit including strength and conditioning methods and coaching strategies, in-season strength programming, force plate assessment, injury prevention, and player monitoring.

Coaches Exercise Science Program design Testing and Evaluation Professional Development Basketball Conditioning Targeted Adaptations Pre-Season Testing Building Relationships

Navigating the Challenges of CASCE Accreditation

Answers to 7 common questions about CASCE accreditation and resources to clarify and streamline the process.

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