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(191 found)

Foundations of Coaching Lifts


Designed by the best and brightest in the industry, the Foundation of Coaching Lift Course is centered on how to effectively coach athletes how to perform using the core/compound lifts as a basis for teaching all lifts and the auxiliary lifts. You’ll learn fundamental progressions/regressions, coaching cues, and gain world class insight that will assuredly be put to optimal use in the field.

Functional Firefighter High-Intensity Training—A Case for Optimizing Performance and Injury Prevention

October 2, 2020

Article Members Only

This article explains the use of structured functional fitness programs for injury prevention and enhanced job performance in fire service personnel.

TSAC Facilitators Program design Firefighter Sled Pull Aerobic Anaerobic High Intensity

A Sample Strength and Conditioning Program for Fire Academies

May 28, 2021

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This article serves as a guide for current and future strength and conditioning professionals who oversee program design for fire academy recruits. This includes a summarized needs analysis and a sample training program that considers the unique challenges of the fire academy.

TSAC Facilitators Program design Fire Academy Baseline Conditioning Load Carriage Program Design

Client Assessments – Movement Assessment

December 20, 2019

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This article builds upon two other client assessment tools (breathing and posture, as seen in Personal Training Quarterly Issues 5.3 and 6.1, respectively) and discusses ways to assess client movement.

Personal trainers Client Consultation|Assessment FMS Movement Patterns Trunk Stability

Incorporating Training Load Monitoring into Fitness Programming: A Review of Practical Tools for Fitness Providers

October 8, 2018

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In recent years, performance and prevention strategies have grown to include monitoring training load (TL) to understand fatigue and the potential effects of fatigue on training adaptation and performance.

Personal trainers Testing and Evaluation Client Consultation|Assessment Training Load Monitoring Heart Rate Monitoring HRV

Choosing the Right Certification


The steps on this page will help you select the right certification that fits your career goals.

On-Duty Strength and Conditioning Programming Considerations for Police Officers

October 25, 2024


The purpose of this article is to review the physiological determinants of police work, provide the strength and conditioning professional with an overview of comm on constraints associated with training police officers, discuss the role of autoregulated training, and provide programming recommendations for training police officers around their patrol shifts.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Technique Program design Testing and Evaluation Professional Development Police Officer Injury Prevention Exercise Selection Police Shift Training Duration Mobile Fitness

Abdominal and Lumbo-Pelvic Stability Exercises for First Responders

March 4, 2020

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This article will discuss why it is important for first responders to have abdominal and lumbo-pelvic strength in relation to movements and tasks in their specific jobs. A list of possible exercises and implementation are also included.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Technique Program design Core Strength First Responders Tactical Professions

NSCA-CPT how to prepare


NSCA-Certified Personal Trainers® (NSCA-CPT)® are health/fitness professionals who use an individualized approach to train clients for the primary goal of improving their personal health and fitness. Learn more about becoming a certified personal trainer with the NSCA's CPT certification! Visit NSCA.com for information on personal trainer jobs, personal training certifications, personal trainer insurance and continuing education as you pursue one of the best personal trainer certifications.

Exam Preparation


The NSCA certification exams are based on the analysis of tasks needed to be competent in a specified job or role. The exams measure a candidate’s knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) compared to a predetermined level of competence. It is not a test that recalls information from a textbook like a college course. Before you start preparing ensure you have chosen the right certification for you.

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