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Exam | a year in review


The purpose of this article is to provide information about the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) certification exams that were administered during 2020.

Strength and Conditioning Coach Career Progressions

July 31, 2015

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Career Progressions

Coaches Professional Development Professional Development Career in Strength and Conditioning Career Progressions Jobs in Strength and Conditioning

Practical Applications for Rotational Power Training

June 1, 2017

Article Members Only

As rotation, power, and rotational power are all common pieces of everyday life, it is important to train for efficiency in the movements. This article addresses the specific approaches rotational training can have in an individual’s strength program to address core integrity, synergistic muscular systems, and overall athletic capabilities as it relates to aging.

Personal trainers Coaches Exercise Technique Program design PTQ rotational power core training personal training

Proximal Position Dictates Hip Performance and Health

June 1, 2017


This article provides strength and conditioning coaches with strategies to address hip mobility limitations that may lead to lumbar spine and femoral acetabular issues.

Coaches Exercise Science NSCA Coach sports injuries injury prevention hip exercises

Tools and Resources


In support of your professional growth, the NSCA provides members evidenced-based tools and resources. Stay ahead of the rest and promote best practices through these carefully-selected resources.

Articles & Videos


Take advantage of the NSCA's library of career insights and tips from leaders in the field.

Battle Ground Academy Wellness—A Small School Strength and Conditioning Program Geared Toward Developing the Multisport Athlete

July 30, 2015


In this session from the 2015 NSCA National Conference, Fred Eaves outlines some of the most pressing issues associated with developing the multisport athlete. He also explains strategies that can be used in order to deal with these issues while maximizing the multisport athlete’s potential.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design high school strength and conditioning Multisport athletes Strength and Conditioning Athlete development hs-coaching

Bridge: Speed and Agility Training for Baseball/Softball with Paul Chandler

December 31, 2018


University of Florida’s Head Strength and Conditioning Coach for baseball and softball, Paul Chandler, speaks about warm-up and mobility patterns used for his athletes.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design Speed Agility Baseball Softball

Kenna Smoak-Minnici - NSCA’s Coaching Podcast, Season 7 Episode 21


Get to know the 2024 NSCA Assistant College Strength and Conditioning Coach of the Year, Kenna Smoak-Minnici. After accepting her award at the 2024 Coaches Conference, she connects with NSCA Coaching and Sport Science Program Manager, Eric McMahon, about the unique coaching rigors at the prestigious military academy, Army West Point. The episode goes beyond the demands of sport-specific training to developing student-athletes and leaders for sustained success in the military. Smoak-Minnici highlights the role of family along her journey as an athlete and strength and conditioning coach, as well as the importance of always pushing yourself to go beyond the norm. Connect with Kenna on Instagram at: @kenna_minnici or LinkedIn: @kenna-smoak-minnici | Find Eric on Instagram: @ericmcmahoncscs or LinkedIn: @ericmcmahoncscs Did you enjoy the episode? Don’t forget to nominate a deserving strength and conditioning coach for an NSCA Coach of the Year Award at NSCA Awards.

Coaches Professional Development

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