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Return to Perform: Student-Athlete Assessments and Guidelines for Safe Return Back to Sports during the Period of COVID-19

November 19, 2021

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The purpose of this article is to strongly suggest and offer a pragmatic and stepwise approach that takes into account the ideas and concepts of shared decision making that allows for the “best practices,” pre-participation screenings, evaluations, and stratification flow charts for safe and effective return to play for athletes.

Coaches Program design Acclimation Health Risk Screening COVID-19 Resistance Training

NSCA’s Coaching Podcast, Episode 103: Ali Kershner


Ali Kershner, Director of Creative Strategy for Art of Coaching, talks to the NSCA Coaching and Sport Science Program Manager, Eric McMahon, about overcoming adversity on the road to win the 2021 National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Division I Women’s Basketball Championship at Stanford University. Topics under discussion include the inequalities found at the NCAA tournament, being true to yourself as a coach, and working outside of the weight room to help strengthen coach-athlete relationships. Find Ali on Instagram: @kershner.ali or Twitter: @alikershner | Find Eric on Instagram: @ericmcmahoncscs or Twitter: @ericmcmahoncscs

Coaches Professional Development

NSCA’s Coaching Podcast, Season 6 Episode 6: Dr. David Szymanski


Explore the applied sport science research process in college baseball, and how academic research can be optimized to benefit player programming. This episode features Dr. David Szymanski, the Director of Baseball Performance at Louisiana Tech University, and co-editor of the recently published book NSCA’s Strength Training for Baseball. Hear about Szymanski’s career path, from college baseball player to coach and sport scientist. This episode covers a wide range of relevant topics, including exercise selection, performance technology, student pathways, and the emergence of performance director roles across Major League Baseball (MLB). Find David on Instagram: @drdavidszymanski or at his program website: LA Tech Sport Science| Find Eric on Instagram: @ericmcmahoncscs or Twitter: @ericmcmahoncscs

Coaches Professional Development

Emergency Preparedness in Personal Training: Are You Ready?

March 25, 2013


Emergency Preparation Plans As a Personal Trainer

Coaches Safety Emergency Plans Preparation Team Plans

Lower-Body Power Development for Collegiate Female Soccer Players

September 4, 2020

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This article discusses the influence of lower-body power on soccer performance in collegiate female soccer players. It also covers testing for muscular power qualities, different training modalities to use, and sample training programs as examples.

Coaches Program design Soccer Power Plyometrics Complex Training Strength

Is Live High/Train Low the Ultimate Endurance Training Model?

January 1, 2013


Live high/train low: what changes can be expected, what dose is required, and is it preferable to other training models for improving performance in endurance sports such as running, swimming, and cycling?

Coaches Exercise Science Program design hypoxia altitude acclimatization altitude training altitude; endurance training train high live low train low Live high

Agility and Coordination Training in a Pediatric Athletic Population

June 3, 2019

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A fundamental training program at a young age gives the athlete the opportunity to develop many skills needed to succeed. The implementation of agility and coordination training can help reduce the risk of injury and elevate a young developing athlete.

Coaches Program design Youth Training Agility and Coordination Training HS-Coaching Youth Athlete

Implementing Olympic-Style Weightlifting in Strength Training for Sport

August 26, 2019

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This article considers some of the main differences between the training of Olympic weightlifters and the use of Olympic weightlifting exercises in strength training for sport.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design Olympic Weightlifting Power Snatch Power Clean Deceleration Plyometric Rate of Force Development

"Get Up and Go" Drill for Rugby Players

May 1, 2017


The aim of the get up and go drill for rugby players is to develop the ability to accelerate from a low body position, which is especially important when accelerating into a potential contact situation.

Coaches Exercise Science Exercise Technique rugby training for rugby agility drills for rugby

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