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Exercise Science

(468 found)


June 1, 2017


The catecholamines—primarily epinephrine, but also norepinephrine and dopamine—are secreted by the adrenal medulla and are important for the acute expression of strength and power because the hormones act as central motor stimulators and peripheral vascular dilators to enhance enzyme systems and calcium release in muscle.

Coaches Exercise Science catecholamines hormonal adaptations kinetic select

Muscle Activation and Strength Training

June 1, 2017


Periodization of training is based on the principle that different loads (e.g., light, moderate, or heavy) or power requirements recruit different types and numbers of motor units. Recruitment order is important from a practical standpoint for several reasons.

Coaches Exercise Science strength and conditioning strength training

Resistance Training Adaptations: Skeletal Changes

June 1, 2017


Bone tissue is “alive” and is a dynamic tissue that can respond to resistance training. In addition to the obvious effects of resistance training on muscle mass and strength, resistance training may lead to decreased risk for osteoporosis, fractures, and falls in later life.

Coaches Exercise Science kinetic select resistance training adaptations

Attentional Styles

June 1, 2017


Understanding attentional styles can improve coaching effectiveness by allowing the coach to provide appropriate cues or methods for each athlete.

Coaches Exercise Science coaching attentional styles attentional focus sport psychology strength and conditioning

Light Sled Pulls

June 1, 2017


Learn how to perform a light sled pull, which can help increase speed strength, power, and stride length.

Coaches Exercise Science Exercise Technique Program design light sled pulls sled pulls strength and conditioning power stride length

Core Programming: Trunk Movement Complexes

June 1, 2017


The exerciser with 8 to 12 months of training experience can begin to include exercise complexes that combine trunk movement patterns with multijoint movements. Single-plane and multiplane movements can be performed using both open- and closed-chain exercises.

Coaches Exercise Science Program design exercise complexes core training strength and conditioning multijoint movements

Operationalizing Power

June 1, 2017


Considering that the term "power" typically evokes the perception of high-speed movement, many people are inclined to take the tenets of specificity to literally mean “train fast, be fast.” However, to create the most strategic methods of training and adaptation, it is vital to compartmentalize power into the primary testable and trainable elements.

Coaches Exercise Science Testing and Evaluation power power training strength and conditioning

Intensity and Volume by Drill Type

June 1, 2017


Coaches can use drills to improve quickness and agility. The training session can improve the specific areas needed to increase performance results by setting up appropriate intensity levels, duration of drills, recovery periods, and volume of drills.

Coaches Exercise Science Program design agility quickness strength and conditioningstrength and conditioning

Implications of Speed in Baseball

June 1, 2017


It is apparent that speed plays a vital role in successful baseball performance. Because of the short distances involved in the game, players rarely, if ever, achieve maximum speed and in actuality, it is acceleration that plays a much greater role in baseball.

Coaches Exercise Science baseball training speed acceleration

Kinematic and Kinetic Chains

June 1, 2017


The importance of recognizing a closed-chain activity lies in the fact that the motions of multiple joints are coupled. Weakness at any one joint will consequently limit performance of the entire movement.

Personal trainers Coaches Exercise Science Program design kinematic chain kinetic chain strength and conditioning

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