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(750 found)

High-Intensity Resistance and High-Impact Training and Bone Mineral Density—a Narrative Review: Part 1

May 6, 2019

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High-Intensity Resistance and High-Impact Training and Bone Mineral Density—a Narrative Review: Part 1

Coaches Program design Resistance Training High Intensity Training HIIT High Impact Training

Concurrent Activation Potentiation – Inconsequential Event or Viable Ergogenic Strategy

January 18, 2020


This article aims to discuss concurrent activation potentiation (CAP) and the proposed mechanisms underlying it, summarize the available research examining the phenomenon, and provide strategies for its implementation.

Coaches Exercise Science Exercise Technique Potentiation Maximal Muscular Effort Weightlifting Concurrent Activation Potentiation

Increase Hip and Trunk Stability with Loaded Carries for Injury Prevention, Rehabilitation, and Performance

December 11, 2020


The goal of this article is to understand contralateral and ipsilateral loading, how to set-up loaded carries, electromyography activity during exercises, and how to apply these exercises into the strength training program.

Coaches Program design Loaded Carries Core Strength Posture Contralateral Loading Ipsilateral Loading

The Promotion of Exercise for Multiple Sclerosis

October 31, 2019


With almost one million people in the United States living with multiple sclerosis, this article aims to provide personal trainers with ideas for exercises to meet the needs of these individuals.

Personal trainers Program design Basic Pathophysiology and Science of Health Status or Condition and Disorder or Disease Multiple Sclerosis Hydrotherapy Exercises Land-Based Exercises

Strength and Conditioning Considerations for Triathletes

November 12, 2018

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Triathlons are unique compared to other sports as athletes are required to master three distinct disciplines: swimming, cycling, and running. This article lays out a training program that focuses on a balance between strength training and sport training to avoid overtraining and overuse injuries and to maximize performance in a multi-sport athlete.

Personal trainers Coaches Program design Triathlete Multi-Sport Athlete Running Cycling Swimming

Effects of Exercise on Hypertension—Part 3

June 1, 2017

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Lifestyle modification, including exercise, is important for both preventing and treating hypertension. More recent guidelines for treating hypertension have increased emphasis on lifestyle factors, such as exercise. As fitness professionals, it is important to educate and encourage clients with hypertension on the importance of exercise in their overall health.

Personal trainers Exercise Science Program design Carmine Grieco Mike Reeder

Practical Programming Strategies for Minimizing Training-Related Injury

April 1, 2016

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This article examines ways that personal trainers can take steps in order to effectively reduce the risk of clients suffering a training-related injury.

Personal trainers Exercise Technique Program design personal training injury reduction injury prevention

Training Considerations for People with Disabilities

July 1, 2014

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Most people suffer from some degree of injury, illness, or disease at some point. As a result, there is a need for strength and conditioning professionals who can develop effective exercise programs for people with disabilities.

Personal trainers Program design wheelchair exercises health and fitness physical fitness Personal trainer

Navigating the Schedule of an NBA Season—Coaching Perspective

January 1, 2014


The variables of an NBA season constantly change, which requires strength and conditioning coaches to adjust accordingly. The success of a program is often influenced by the coach’s ability to combine strength and conditioning principles with common sense and the ability to adjust to the schedule.

Coaches Program design Organization and Administration strength and conditioning coach NSCA strength coach NBA travel strength and conditioning for basketball basketball conditioning training for basketball

The Bilateral Deficit—Plausible Explanations and Solvents

November 1, 2014

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By adhering to the basic principles of training, including progressive overload, periodization, and a safe lifting environment, the bilateral deficit can be improved by the amalgamation of unilateral force production, maximal effort, and repeated effort training.

Coaches Exercise Science Program design strength and conditioning strength training bilateral deficit

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