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Sedentariness, Deconditioning, and Practical Considerations for Personal Trainers

January 28, 2019

Article Members Only

This article summarizes current populations and descriptions of sedentariness and deconditioning, and offers practical considerations for personal trainers working with these behaviors.

Personal trainers Program design Client Consultation|Assessment Deconditioning Sedentary Clients Sedentariness Client Behaviors

Disrupting Unhealthy Habits with Environmental Modifications

April 1, 2015


Because habits are contextually linked, it is reasonable to suggest that modifying the environment may disrupt the habit process and allow conscious intention to guide behavior. This article focuses on providing practical recommendations to aid individuals with intentions to exercise and eat healthy to reach their goals in the face of undesirable habits.

Personal trainers Nutrition Program design environmental modification personal training behavior modification healthy habits

Simplifying the Rules to Programming for Special Populations

April 30, 2018

Article Members Only

By reviewing this simplified process of obtaining a client’s health history and physician release, designing an exercise routine with modified exercises, and providing exercises for paid clients versus general members, NSCA-CPTs can be confident prescribing a routine for those who suffer from chronic or temporary health issues.

Personal trainers Client Consultation|Assessment special populations health issues personal training nsca-cpt

Bearing the Cold—Tips for Cold Weather Exercise

January 1, 2016


Knowing the risks of cold weather training is only half the battle. It is important to be familiar with a proper risk management strategy to help guide decision-making that can enhance safety and exercise performance.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Science Nutrition preventing hypothermia exercise in cold best way to exercise Exercise in cold weather

The Perception and Progression of the Female Athlete

June 1, 2017


Female athletes in the United States have made great progress in sports since Title IX was enacted in 1972. Despite the progress they have made, female athletes have yet to gain full recognition for their athleticism and their achievements. The purpose of this article is to break down the stigma female athletes have received over the years and shine light on the differences that make female athletes a reward to train.

Coaches Program design Organization and Administration NSCA Coach female athletes strength and conditioning Title IX hs-coaching

2022 Award Winners

Congratulations to the NSCA's 2022 winners! This page is updated as new award winners are named throughout the year.

How to Manipulate Rest Intervals to Maximize Strength Training Effectiveness

May 26, 2023

Article Members Only

This article will review the latest evidence regarding optimal rest intervals, and the science behind them.

Personal trainers Program design Rest Intervals Autoregulation Circuit Training Super Set

Client Consultation

May 1, 2017


During the initial interview, the personal trainer and client assess compatibility, develop goals, and establish a client-trainer agreement.

Personal trainers Program design Personal training Personal training certification personal training client consultation how to become a personal trainer personal trainer client consult fitness assessment

NSCA's Coaching Podcast: Joe Kenn's Bonus Audio From Episode 40


Coaches Organization and Administration Professional Development

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