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(1,215 found)

A Guide to Muscle Protein Synthesis for the Physique Athlete and Coach

March 3, 2023

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This article discusses the balance between muscle protein synthesis (MPS) and muscle protein breakdown (MPB) to help individuals better achieve their goals in muscle hypertrophy.

Personal trainers Exercise Science Nutrition Hypertrophy Protein Synthesis Physique Athlete

Creative Coaching Practices to Enhance Athletic Performance

July 15, 2019

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This NSCA Coach article describes how to manipulate movements, lifts, and rest periods in a way that controls time, space, and flow efficiently to creatively enhance athletic performance.

Personal trainers Coaches Exercise Science Program design Organization and Administration Strength and Conditioning Coach Coaching Effective Coaching Creative Programming

Enhancing the Force-Velocity Profile of Athletes Using Weightlifting Derivatives

May 1, 2017


Weightlifting movements and their derivatives can be programmed effectively by considering their force–velocity characteristics and physiological underpinnings to meet the specific training goals of resistance training phases in accordance with the typical application of periodized training programs.

Coaches Exercise Science Program design Weightlifting weightlifting derivatives force-velocity profile infographics

Compartmentalizing Physical Training: The Data is on the “Floor”

February 29, 2020


From the 2019 Tactical Annual Training, Rob Hartman reminds coaches that with all the technology out there, coaching the moment can still provide all the data you need. Hartman discusses how to use the data to understand the population, the individual, yourself, and coaching efforts.

TSAC Facilitators Program design Testing and Evaluation Soldiers TSAC Technology Strength Aerobic Data

Building Injury Free Tactical Athletes: A Repeatable Model for Police Academy

February 11, 2019

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This 2018 TSAC Annual Training video features Charles Kornhauser and Ryan Holmes discussing their experience in identifying the challenges in physical training for police recruits, and their development of programs based on task analysis and injury prevention for individuals in the academy.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Technique Program design Organization and Administration Tactical Police Injury Prevention Police Academy Strength Training

Implementing Ability Based Conditioning Programs for Team Sports

November 25, 2017

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Learn how to individualize a group training session to ensure that all athletes are training at the same intensity. In this session from the NSCA’s 2017 Coaches Conference, Mick Stierli explains how to prescribe individual training for athletes at differing levels of fitness, and the importance of prescribing individual training intensity during conditioning sessions.

Coaches Exercise Science Program design Conditioning Programs Conditioning Team Sports Developing Aerobic Speed Aerobic Training

The Bilateral Deficit—Plausible Explanations and Solvents

November 1, 2014

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By adhering to the basic principles of training, including progressive overload, periodization, and a safe lifting environment, the bilateral deficit can be improved by the amalgamation of unilateral force production, maximal effort, and repeated effort training.

Coaches Exercise Science Program design strength and conditioning strength training bilateral deficit

Coaching and Communications with Today's Youth

May 19, 2014


In this video from the NSCA's 2014 Coaches Conference, Adam Feit talks about the state of today's youth, and discusses the importance of training youth to reach their highest potential, both on and off the field.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design youth training reach your potential training LTAD

Unlocking the Hips

October 22, 2018


Vernon Griffith teaches how to identify compensation patterns associated with tactical populations and how to design proactive movement protocols for tactical athletes, in this session from the NSCA’s 2018 TSAC Annual Training.

TSAC Facilitators Program design Testing and Evaluation Movement Screen Compensation Patterns

Low Intensity Alternatives for Strength and Hypertrophy

July 29, 2013


Jacob Wilson, PhD, CSCS,*D, presents at the NSCA's 2013 National Conference on the controversial topic of blood flow restriction training and its effects on strength and hypertrophy

Personal trainers Coaches Exercise Technique Program design Hypertrophy Blood Flow Restriction BFR Low Intesity Alternative

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