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(2,382 found)

Anti-Aging Exercise Program Design Strategies

October 31, 2014


Learn how strength and power training can help your clients boost production of the hormones that many consider to be the “fountain of youth.”

Personal trainers Exercise Science Program design Pete McCall program design anti-aging exercises

Special Training Considerations for Strength, Specificity, and Energy Systems for Year-Long Planning

February 2, 2015


In this session from the 2015 NSCA Coaches Conference, Cal Dietz, MS, presents the best applications in training of several sports that can be applied to most sports at various times of the year. The systematic approaches and the reasoning behind the step-by-step approach to block training, and the application of specific needs in the sport and energy system training also are covered.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design strength and conditioning Strength Training Energy Systems Block Training Cal Dietz

Adrenal Exhaustion: Implications for Military Reliance

May 1, 2015


With the need to be ready under any circumstances from operational missions to physical training, understanding how the adrenal gland functions is important for any tactical athlete. The adrenal gland mediates performance and can have a negative effect on the body’s physiology when exhausted. It is vital to understand the interventions needed to obviate the negative effects and enhance the positive aspects of such physiological function. This session from the 2015 TSAC Annual Training sheds light on this important physiological system that impacts both physical health and functional performance.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Technique Program design Basic Pathophysiology and Science of Health Status or Condition and Disorder or Disease Adrenal gland physiology functional performance tactical fitness

Push, Jump, Punch: A Developmental Approach to Teaching Athletes the Power Clean

June 27, 2015


Explore the developmental process of teaching an athlete how to perform a power clean. In this session from the 2015 NSCA National Conference, Joe Kenn demonstrates how to “slow cook” athletes to a fundamentally sound power clean through a process of implementing supplemental movements.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design Olympic Lifts Power Clean Joe Kenn

Power Development in Strength-Power Athletes

November 28, 2015


In this session from the 2015 NSCA Coaches Conference, Mike Stone explains the reasons for developing periodized programs for strength-power athletes. Gain an understanding of how to develop evidence-based programs geared towards developing power.

Coaches Program design strength and conditioning periodization Strength and Power Training Evidence Based Programs

Gut Health and its Impact on Muscle Gain and Fat Loss

October 31, 2015


In this session from the 2015 Personal Trainers Conference, dietitian Dawn Weatherwax explains how the health of the digestive system affects overall health. Learn how gastrointestinal health impacts fat loss and muscle gain, the signs and symptoms of poor gut health, and foods and supplements that have been shown to have a positive impact on gut integrity.

Personal trainers Exercise Science Nutrition nutrition Gut Health Fat Loss Muscle Gain supplements

Sunshine and Sushi: Why the Tactical Athlete Should Care about N-3s and Vitamin D

May 1, 2015


In this session from the 2015 TSAC Conference, Nick Barringer explores the roles of n-3 fatty acids and vitamin D in the body, and how insufficient levels of either can negatively affect performance.

TSAC Facilitators Nutrition Tactical Athlete Nutrition Vitamin D Performance

Multilateral Development for the Youth Athlete

July 31, 2015


In this session from the 2015 National Conference, Brian Brabham provides ideas for improving the overall athletic ability of youth athletes, a better understanding of injuries sustained by youth athletes, methods to help prevent those injuries, and practical examples of training programs that can be effective options.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design youth athlete youth injuries Multilateral Development Multilateral Training

Integrating Motor Patterns into Exercise for Performance and Prevention

November 1, 2014


In this session from the 2014 NSCA Personal Trainers Conference, Barton Bishop explains how to utilize the body’s natural way of learning movement. This will help athletes become more efficient at movement for improvements in exercise and athletic performance, and help in preventing future injuries.

Personal trainers Exercise Technique Program design athlete monitoring strength and conditioning Injury Prevention Movement Efficiency Athletic Performance

Sumo Deadlift: The Base for Tactical Strength

May 1, 2015


In this session from the 2015 NSCA TSAC Conference, Matt Wenning explains the sumo deadlift, a foundational exercise for maximal strength development and a tool that is essential to the tactical population due to its movement pattern. The ability to learn proper technique and progressions with this exercise can help to improve a tactical athlete’s performance and decrease the likelihood of injury because it trains major muscle groups and multiple joints at the same time.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Technique Program design Deadlift Tactical Strength and Conditioning TSAC Strength

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