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Strength Training and Endurance Athletes

March 26, 2012


Matt Rhea, PhD, CSCS,*D, speaks at the 2013 Personal Trainers Conference on strength training for endurance athletes.

Personal trainers Program design Endurance Athlete Strength Training Strength Training Endurance Athletes

Get to the Game Stay in the Game

July 30, 2012


Dan Dalrymple, head strength coach for the New Orleans Saints, spoke about strategies for designing programs with a goal of injury prevention and management.

Coaches Program design Strength and Conditioning Head Coach Injury Prevention Injury Managment

Sports Nutrition for the High School Athlete

June 27, 2015


Even though most high school athletes feel as though their diet is sufficient in quality and caloric value, this session from the 2015 NSCA National Conference explains that high school athletes usually do not meet their caloric needs to support their training volume. Tavis Piattoly identifies the challenges high school athletes face regarding their nutrition and the strategies that can be used to correct these issues.

Coaches Nutrition Sports Nutrition High School Athlete Nutrition Training Volume Nutritional Strategies hs-coaching

Developing a Full, High-Performance Program from the Ground Up

May 1, 2015


A high-performance program brings a team of rehabilitation and performance professionals together under a common set of principles directed toward success. In this session from the 2015 TSAC Annual Training, Charlie Weingroff discusses how to create a high-performance program that can be highly successful and valuable.

TSAC Facilitators Coaches Program design High Performance Programming Strength and Conditioning Program Design

Pulling Movements for the Tactical Athlete

April 29, 2013


Jon Carlock, MS, CSCS, *D, spoke at the 2013 TSAC Conference about pulling movements for the tactical athlete.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Technique Program design TSAC Tactical Athlete Pulling Movements

The Benefits and Drawbacks of Using Kettlebells in a Training Program

March 25, 2013


Bill Campbell spoke at the 2013 Personal Trainers' Conference on integrating kettlebells into one's training programming.

Personal trainers Exercise Technique Program design Personal Training Kettle Bells Training Program Kettle bell program

Mobilize, Activate, Stimulate – Maximizing Your Warm-Ups

July 30, 2015


Strength and conditioning professionals have a finite time to develop their athletes or clients. Too often the first 10 – 15 min of sessions are under-coached and poorly structured. In this session from the 2015 NSCA National Conference, Coach Emily Nolan explores ways to maximize the use of warm-ups.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design Professional Development Dynamic Warm-ups Strength and Conditioning Coach Athletic Development Optimizing Time

Training the “Post Youth” Client

May 1, 2015


The aging athlete and office worker are both being cramped into body positions that not ideal. People in these situations could greatly benefit from some daily exercises to perform to overcome these issues. In this hands-on session, attendees will be given some simple movements that can be adapted for anyone and any situation.

TSAC Facilitators Coaches Exercise Technique Program design Athletic Development Strength and Conditioning Daily Exercise

The Use of Nutritional Supplementation in Sports: Safety, Efficacy and the NCAA

July 30, 2012


Colin Wilborn, PDH, ATC, CSCS and Abbie Smith-Ryan, PhD, CSCS,*D, spoke on the use of nutritional supplementation in collegiate sports.

Nutrition Program design NCAA Nutrition for Ahtletes Sports Nutrition Supplementation

Periodization and Programming for Strength Power Sports

January 30, 2012


Respected strength coaches Mike Stone and Meg Stone spoke about periodization and programming for strength power sports at the 2012 NSCA Coaches Conference.

Coaches Program design Programming Strength and Conditioning Periodization Strength and Power Athlete 2012-Coaches-Conference

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