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Tactical Fitness Research, 2016

June 1, 2016

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The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) 63rd Annual Meeting was held in Boston, MA, May 31 – June 4, 2016. The number of TSAC presentations continued to increase, compared to the last few years, when the Federal Government sequester severely affected attendance.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Science Nutrition Program design Client Consultation|Assessment tactical fitness

Considerations for Utilizing Manual Resistance Training

April 2, 2016

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Manual resistance training (MRT) can be an effective, low-cost, and easy-to-perform training modality. It can be performed in many situations regardless of space, equipment availability, and performance level.

Personal trainers Exercise Technique Program design weight training strength training manual resistance training MRT

Blood Flow Restriction Training: Strategies for Effective Applications

July 10, 2020

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In this session from the 2019 NSCA National Conference, Gary Boros, Associate Director of Sports Performance at the University of Denver, and Chris Jarmon, Sport Performance Coach at Landow Performance, discuss the understanding of the science and research behind blood flow restriction (BFR); connects research insights in performance, rehabilitation, and general fitness; and discerns the ideal use cases, equipment, and training protocols for BFR.

Personal trainers TSAC Facilitators Coaches Exercise Science Program design Blood Flow Restriction GPP Rehabilitation Growth Hormone

Value of Omega-3s for Youth Athletes

May 1, 2015


Dr. Lonnie Lowery spoke at the NSCA's 2012 National Conference about the value of incorporating omega-3 fatty acids into the nutrition of youth athletes.

Coaches periodization training strength training athlete training program resistance training Athlete power development

How to Leverage Industry Leading Market Research for a Fitness Studio

July 1, 2015

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One of the most important elements of running a fitness studio, no matter the discipline or the size, is understanding the competitive landscape. Gaining a key perspective on what is happening not only in the market, but also in the fitness industry as a whole, can provide owners and managers with the insight necessary to uncover the data and trends for their business to thrive.

Personal trainers Organization and Administration market research personal training how to become a personal trainer fitness studio

Sleep – The Only True “Fixall” for Health and Performance

October 25, 2019


With over 20 years of experience in the field, former co-founder of EXOS, Brandon Marcello, discusses general sleep knowledge as it pertains to overall health, wellness, and performance in this session from the 2019 NSCA Tactical Annual Training.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Science Nutrition Program design Sleep Bedtime Routine Sleep Hygiene Sleep Debt

Dynamic Warm-Up for Strength and Power Workouts

October 21, 2019

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Bobby Smith, Owner and Director of Sports Performance at Reach Your Potential Training (RYPT), explains his systematic approach to writing a warm-up by implementing mobility, stability, activation, and injury prevention in this session from the NSCA’s 2018 National Conference.

Coaches Program design Hip Mobility Hamstring Lengthening CNS Prep Glute Activation Shoulder Mobility Injury Reduction

Sport Injuries: Patterns, Trends, and Current Thinking

July 8, 2019

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World renowned Olympic training coach, Dan Pfaff, discusses how coaches can become a better performance supplier when managing athletic injuries. Pfaff also explains how to reduce lost time in practice and competitions, as well as how to reduce acute and chronic injury factors.

Coaches Exercise Science Exercise Technique Program design Client Consultation|Assessment Sports Medicine Kinetic Chain Movement Screening Return to Play Gait Control Motor Patterns

Optimizing Trunk Qualities to Heighten Resiliency, Maximize Performance, and Mitigate Injury

June 24, 2019


In this hands-on session from the 2018 Tactical Annual Training, Joel Raether, owner of Authentic Performance, discusses strategies and exercises he utilizes to improve trunk performance and resiliency, while subsequently demonstrating his progressions and regressions for these exercises.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Science Exercise Technique Program design Trunk Stability Tactical Athlete Hip Mobility Posture

Soldier Readiness Test Pilot: Overview of Combat Relevant Testing and Embedded Resources on Military Readiness

April 30, 2018


In this session from the NSCA’s 2018 TSAC Annual Training, Karen Daigle presents the opportunities and challenges associated with various levels of strength and conditioning and medical resources embedded in operational military units.

TSAC Facilitators Program design Organization and Administration Testing and Evaluation TSAC Tactical Athlete Solider Readiness Testing Physical Evaluation

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