Colorado Springs, CO - The National Strength and Conditioning Association recognizes Avery Faigenbaum, Terry Todd, Andrea Hudy, and Jeff Chandler recognized for their career accomplishments.
This award is given to a TSAC educator and practitioner who has made noteworthy contribution to the teaching and practical application in the field of tactical strength training and conditioning. Qualified nominees must be a certified member of the NSCA with a CSCS AND TSAC-F certification.
Strength and conditioning coaches can safely and effectively integrate strongman training into youth strength and conditioning programs by following established programming guidelines and available research recommendations.
CoachesExercise TechniqueProgram designLTADstrength and conditioning exercisestrength and conditioningyouth strength trainingstrongman training
In this session from the NSCA’s 2018 Coaches Conference, Bryan Mann discusses the latest research presentations from the NSCA National Conference that have immediate implications for the strength and conditioning coach.
CoachesExercise ScienceProgram designStrength and ConditioningExercise Science in ProgrammingAthlete MonitioringTraining LoadTraining Volume2018-Coaches-Conference