This article provides practical suggestions that personal trainers can use to help their clients become and stay motivated to stick with their exercise routines.
Personal trainersProgram designClient Consultation|Assessmentclient motivationpersonal training technique
This article proposes that all resistance training exercises can be classified as either “specific” or “general.” How to classify each exercise type and the unique benefits they offer is explained.
Personal trainersExercise ScienceExercise TechniqueProgram designResistance trainingstrength training
This article sheds some knowledge on shoulder exercise modifications and progressions that can help reduce the risk of re-injury and maximize performance for clients.
Personal trainersExercise ScienceNutritionExercise TechniqueProgram designShoulderScapulaShoulder AnatomyRange of Motion
This second article of a two-part series continues the discussion of long-term athletic development (LTAD). This article provides practical application of the LTAD principles by examining two sample programs.
CoachesNutritionProgram designOrganization and AdministrationLTADLong Term Athletic DevelopmentYouth TrainingYouth SportsProgram DesignPeak Height Velocityhs-coaching
While there are a variety of behavior change theories and models to choose from when developing a targeted behavioral approach for a client, the transtheoretical model (TTM) provides a relatively simple and easy-to-follow model.
Personal trainersExercise TechniqueProgram designbehavior changeTTMtranstheoretical model
This article will discuss the role of strength training, stretching, and functional mobility exercises in reducing falls in older adults and provide a guide for creating a program.
Personal trainersProgram designOlder AdultFall PreventionBalanceFlexibility
Mandy Nice explains the benefits and need of expanding health and fitness programs into military and law enforcement agencies, and offers strategies for the common obstacles preventing implementation of these programs.
TSAC FacilitatorsOrganization and AdministrationTSACFitness ProgramsTactical Strength and Conditioning
This article will present a sample program that was implemented successfully by a group of older women in competition, and discuss the general exercise principles utilized to increase BMD in postmenopausal women.
Personal trainersCoachesProgram designBone Mineral DensityPost-MenopausalOsteoporosisOsteopeniaHigh-Intensity Training
This article addresses the implications and clinical applications of eccentric training. It also provides general exercise guidelines and future directions of eccentric training.
Personal trainersExercise ScienceExercise TechniqueProgram designEccentric training