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(180 found)

Wellness Coaching – Keeping Military Members Fit to Fight

September 3, 2021


The purpose of this article is to present evidence for implementing wellness coaching practices for enhanced dissemination of knowledge and improved efficacy of lasting behavior change, positively affecting the service member’s fitness performance levels and decreasing risk of lifestyle disease development.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Science Nutrition Program design Wellness Coaching Dietary Supplements Health-Related Behaviors

Body Composition in Football Players

March 25, 2019

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Body composition is an important physical characteristic to consider for football players and their performance. Tyler Bosch goes over the various methods of measuring body composition, what the numbers really mean, and how they can be used to develop a player's training.

Coaches Exercise Science Testing and Evaluation Body Composition BMI Body Fat Football

Training for Connective Tissue Adaptations

August 2, 2024

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This article takes a closer look at training strength and stiffness in connective tissues.

Coaches Exercise Science Exercise Technique Program design Basic Pathophysiology and Science of Health Status or Condition and Disorder or Disease Connective Tissue Stretch Shortening Cycle Rehabilitation ACL Tendon Ligament Plyometrics

Age and Sex Considerations: Practical Application

December 15, 2023


This article from Developing Agility briefly discusses the importance of age-appropriate speed and agility drills.

Personal trainers Coaches Exercise Science Program design Adolescent LTAD Speed Agility

Upper Body Power for Law Enforcement Officers

January 6, 2023

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This article discusses the benefits of an upper body power program for law enforcement officers and how to program this effectively.

TSAC Facilitators Program design Law Enforcement Officer Upper Body Power Occupational Duties

Creating Power – Alternative Bilateral and Unilateral Triple Extension Exercises

November 27, 2020

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This article demonstrates how strength and conditioning coaches can coach power through non-traditional weightlifting exercises that can be taught quickly, to large groups, with less extensive technique correction.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design Weightlifting Power Force Medicine Ball Jumping

The Effects of Alcohol on Athletic Performance

June 1, 2017


The effects of alcohol on athletic performance vary depending on quantity, demographics, and type of exercise, making it difficult to determine specific recommendations. From an athletic performance standpoint, the acute use of alcohol can influence motor skills, hydration status, aerobic performance, as well as aspects of the recovery process.

Coaches Nutrition alcohol sports nutrition dietary recommendations strength and conditioning NSCA Coach

Opportunities and Challenges in the Current Nutrition Landscape of Collegiate and Professional Football

April 15, 2019

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Nutrition plays a crucial role in athletic performance. The purpose of this article is to discuss the landscape of nutrition in collegiate and professional football. It will address the following areas: 1) the current landscape, 2) current practices, 3) opportunities, and 4) challenges faced in collegiate and professional football.

Coaches Nutrition Football Sports Performance Sports Nutrition Nutrition

Bearing the Cold—Tips for Cold Weather Exercise

January 1, 2016


Knowing the risks of cold weather training is only half the battle. It is important to be familiar with a proper risk management strategy to help guide decision-making that can enhance safety and exercise performance.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Science Nutrition preventing hypothermia exercise in cold best way to exercise Exercise in cold weather

Feasibility and Difficulties of Conducting Research on Professional Firefighters

April 23, 2021

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The purpose of this article is to identify and discuss the difficulties that can arise when performing physiological-based research with firefighters.

TSAC Facilitators Program design Testing and Evaluation Firefighters Research Academy Training Programs

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