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(559 found)

Analysis of “Fad Diets” and Alternatives for Optimal Athletic Performance

June 1, 2017

Article Members Only

Not all diets are appropriate for every population and this is especially true of an athlete who is expected to train and perform at a high level. Learn about the negatives of fad diets, potential pitfalls, and realistic dietary guidelines for athletes.

Coaches Nutrition diet fad diet paleo diet gluten free diet intermittent fasting sport nutrition NSCA Coach

The Role of Nitric Oxide in Tactical Performance

September 1, 2016

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Supplements that claim to boost nitric oxide have not been proven to be all that effective since the actual conversion in the blood cell is rather complicated and requires oxygen, which is usually in short supply during exercise or at high altitude. So how does an athlete boost their nitric oxide production?

TSAC Facilitators Nutrition ergogenic aids supplements nutrition nitric oxide

A Practical Guide to Workload Management and Injury Prevention in College and High School Sports

August 29, 2016


Managing workload and optimizing athlete performance while promoting injury-free participation is simplified using the eight tips in this article.

Coaches Exercise Science Program design Injury Prevention Training Load Work Load management High School Athletes College Athletes Training Volume hs-coaching

Strength and Conditioning Considerations for the Elite Ten-Pin Bowler

April 1, 2013

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The modern game of ten-pin bowling requires an athlete to have high levels of physical preparedness to excel. This article includes a sample training program that may improve bowling performance.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design strength training for bowling

Stretch-Shortening Cycle

February 14, 2020


This article briefly reviews the importance of the stretch-shortening cycle in power production.

Personal trainers TSAC Facilitators Coaches Exercise Science Program design Plyometrics Stretch Shortening Cycle Golgi Tendon Organ Power

Central Concepts Related to Periodization

May 1, 2017


The ability to manage the adaptive response, handle accumulated fatigue, and capitalize on the aftereffects established from training is central to the training process.

Coaches Exercise Science Program design Central Concepts Related to Periodization Periodization strength training recovery training program design

Combining Physical and Mental Training

June 1, 2017


Much in the same way that a single movement or a single workout does not make or break a training cycle, the same holds true for mental skills. The challenge is that the strength and conditioning coach will likely need to reach out to another professional trained in sport psychology to help establish the plan and construct the appropriate interventions.

Coaches Exercise Science NSCA Coach physical training mental training sport psychology

Needs Analysis for Injury Prevention

May 1, 2017


By understanding the means by which athletes encounter risk, strength and conditioning professionals can integrate exercise programs that may offset one of the steps toward injuries.

Coaches Program design injury prevention needs analysis

Considerations to Improve Tactical Professional Return to Duty Outcomes Following Musculoskeletal Injury

March 18, 2022

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This article is intended to assist tactical facilitators in the construction of a well-designed tactical return to duty program to help combat against the musculoskeletal injury burden that exists within tactical professions.

TSAC Facilitators Program design Basic Pathophysiology and Science of Health Status or Condition and Disorder or Disease

In-Season Training for High School 100-m Sprinters

February 29, 2020

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This NSCA Coach article focuses on the in-season resistance training and mobility exercises designed for the 100-m sprint track and field high school athlete.

Coaches Program design Sprinting High School Athlete Program Design Vertical Jump hs-coaching

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