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(2,409 found)

Bridge: ACL Injury Prevention Strategies, with Loren Landow

February 4, 2019


In this Bridge video, Loren Landow, from Landow Performance, demonstrates exercises and techniques of various plyometric movements for anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) strength and injury prevention.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design ACL Return to Sport Injury Prevention Plyometrics Loren Landow

Bridge: Appropriate Squat Progress for the Everyday Athlete, with Mandy Nice

January 22, 2019


The squat is one of the most essential movements in life and performance. In this Bridge video, Mandy Nice goes over the proper progressions for individuals to successfully and safely perform the squat.

Personal trainers TSAC Facilitators Coaches Exercise Technique Program design Squat Technique Squat Progression Mandy Nice

Bridge: Speed and Agility Training for Baseball/Softball with Paul Chandler

December 31, 2018


University of Florida’s Head Strength and Conditioning Coach for baseball and softball, Paul Chandler, speaks about warm-up and mobility patterns used for his athletes.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design Speed Agility Baseball Softball

Bridge: Incorporating strong man training with your every day athlete, with Matt Mallard

November 12, 2018


Matt Mallard, Director of Education and Master Trainer at Gainesville Health and Fitness demonstrates strongman training for the personal training client.

Personal trainers TSAC Facilitators Coaches Exercise Technique Program design Strong Man Strong Man Training Alternative Programming

Bridge: Warm up complexes and progression to train for increased rate of force development, with Nick Savage

October 29, 2018


Nick Savage, Director of Football Strength and Conditioning at the University of Florida, demonstrates warm-up complexes and Olympic-style lifting progressions to improve force development.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design Olympic Lifts Progressions Rate of Force Development Power Development

Bridge: Breathing is a Fundamental Mobility Pattern, with Dana Santas

September 17, 2018


Dana Santas demonstrates how to improve mobility and performance by reestablishing positive breathing patterns.

Personal trainers Exercise Technique Program design Breathing Mobility Functional Movement Fundamental Mobility Dana Santas

Bridge: Efficient Deceleration

May 11, 2015


This video demonstrates techniques used for the four primary components of deceleration: dynamic balance, eccentric strength, power, and reactive strength.

Coaches Exercise Technique Deceleration Deceleration Drills Eccentric Strength Power

Bridge: Keys to Incorporate Kettlebells into Personal Training, with Matt Berenc

June 1, 2017


Matt Berenc, Director of Education for Equinox, discusses key points to consider when adding kettlebells into a personal training program

Personal trainers Exercise Technique Program design kettlebells personal training

Bridge: Impacting the Force-Velocity Curve, with Bo Sandoval

June 1, 2017


Bo Sandoval, Director of Strength and Conditioning for the UFC Performance Institute, walks through weightlifting examples used to elicit changes in the force-velocity curve.

Coaches Exercise Science Program design Force velocity weightlifting exercise progressions Force Velocity Curve

Bridge: Improving the Pro Agility Drill, with Loren Landow

June 1, 2017


Loren Landow, owner of Landow Performance in Denver, CO, demonstrates errors and coaching tips for the pro agility drill.

Coaches Exercise Science Exercise Technique football combine pro agility drill video

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