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(7 found)

Carbohydrate Loading

July 15, 2019


This excerpt from NSCA’s Guide to Sport and Exercise Nutrition discusses carbohydrate loading strategies for athletes to achieve optimal athletic performance.

Personal trainers Coaches Nutrition Carbohydrate Loading Glycogen Supersaturation

Dietary Fat and Performance

May 1, 2017


Dietary fat has both long-term and short-term effects on an athlete and athletic performance. “Fat loading” as a strategy to improve athletic performance remains unproven.

Coaches Nutrition dietary fat fat loading exercise nutrition

Optimizing Athletic Performance—Are Carbohydrates Necessary?

April 1, 2013


Before sports nutritionists and coaches begin prescribing unconventional eating recommendations to athletes, it is important to consider the scientific evidence supporting a low-carbohydrate diet for boosting athletic performance.

Personal trainers Nutrition Low-carbohydrate diet paleo diet carbs carbohydrates

Exercise Physiology 101 – What Every Personal Trainer Should Know

December 8, 2019

Article Members Only

The purpose of this article is to help both personal trainers and clients with seven main concepts within exercise physiology that will improve training effectiveness and assist in explaining the body’s response to exercise.

Personal trainers Exercise Science Nutrition Exercise Technique Program design Exercise Physiology Stroke Volume Hydration EPOC Resistance Training Bone Density Aerobic Exercise

Working with the Menstrual Cycle in Female Athletes

December 17, 2021

Article Members Only

The goal of this article is to promote professional dialogue and broaden the knowledge of ways to use nutrition and recovery techniques to work with the physiological changes that come throughout the menstrual cycle.

Coaches Exercise Science Nutrition Menstruation Iron Deficiency Female Athlete Triad

Creatine Supplementation for Athletes

November 15, 2019

Article Members Only

The purpose of this article is to discuss creatine supplementation for athletes by addressing supplementation for athletic performance, recovery, cognition, brain function, safety, contraindications, and other special considerations.

Coaches Nutrition Creatine Supplementation Sports Nutrition Glycogen ATP PCr Creatine

Carbohydrate Periodization—Part 1: Fueling Exercise

April 29, 2019


The purpose of this article is to give an overview and theoretical framework on the concept of periodized nutrition—with an emphasis on adequate carbohydrate intake to enhance performance.

Personal trainers Coaches Nutrition Program design Nutrition Periodization Carbohydrate Loading
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