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(29 found)

Speed – Learned Skill or Genetic Trait?

January 14, 2022

Article Members Only

The purpose of this article is to examine components that affect speed to determine the degree that speed is governed by skill versus genetic factors.

Coaches Exercise Science Speed Genetics Fiber Type Neural Fatigue Genetic Expression

Neural Contributions to Muscle Growth

June 1, 2017


Neural adaptations help mediate growth-related processes and the early increase in strength is attributable mainly to improved neural function. Along with neural changes, various aspects of the protein metabolism in the muscle are changing in the early phases of training.

Coaches Exercise Science kinetic select Neural adaptation strength training strength increases

Dryside Training for Swimmers—Using Ropes to Increase Muscular Endurance

June 1, 2017

Article Members Only

The exercises mentioned in this article are a small sampling of the drills available to the strength and conditioning coach when using rope drills. By adding these movements to a swimmer’s dryside training, swimmers can gain muscular endurance that will complement wetside training.

Coaches Exercise Science Exercise Technique Program design NSCA Coach swimmers dryside training rope drills battling ropes

Muscle Growth

June 19, 2020


This article briefly explains the two principles necessary for muscle growth.

Personal trainers TSAC Facilitators Coaches Exercise Science Program design Hypertrophy Hyperplasia Muscle Size Resistance Training Dietary Patterns

Strength Training

July 24, 2020


This excerpt provides a brief snapshot of the use of carbohydrates in resistance training exercise sessions.

Personal trainers TSAC Facilitators Coaches Exercise Science Nutrition Carbohydrates Resistance Training Glycogen Insulin

Understanding the Physiological Limiting Factors of VO2max

December 17, 2018

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Determining VO2max can be useful in all areas of health, from potential diagnosis of heart disease in the elderly to measuring peak performance in elite athletes. This article will discuss the physiological limiting factors of VO2max and the role each plays in cardiovascular improvement.

Personal trainers Exercise Science Program design Vo2 Max Aerobic Capacity Aerobic Training Cardiovascular Training

Trainer Tips: Hypertrophy

May 1, 2017

Article Members Only

Trainer Tips are infographics designed to help you, an NSCA professional, educate clients and promote your services. These member-only resources can be used for client education, motivation, and promotion.

Personal trainers Exercise Science Program design hypertrophy infographics

Operationalizing Power

June 1, 2017


Considering that the term "power" typically evokes the perception of high-speed movement, many people are inclined to take the tenets of specificity to literally mean “train fast, be fast.” However, to create the most strategic methods of training and adaptation, it is vital to compartmentalize power into the primary testable and trainable elements.

Coaches Exercise Science Testing and Evaluation power power training strength and conditioning

Strength Training and Endurance Athletes

November 1, 2014

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High-intensity strength training paired with explosive, high-velocity movements is suggested to enhance endurance performance. It is recommended that a practical approach be taken when implementing this model of strength training, which would involve a thorough preparatory period.

Personal trainers Exercise Science Exercise Technique Program design strength training weight training strength training for endurance endurance training concurrent training

TSAC Report – October 2020 Research Column

May 14, 2021

Article Members Only

This article is part of a continuing series of tactical strength and conditioning (TSAC) research reviews. It is designed to bring awareness to new research findings of relevance to tactical strength and conditioning communities.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Science Program design Testing and Evaluation VO2max Body Composition Structural Firefighters Police Officers Load Carriage

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