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(2 found)

Military Research—Recent Insights and Implications

August 1, 2015

Article Members Only

Recent advances in research and human performance programs (HPP) has made it possible to learn more about the tactical athlete while creating enhanced methodologies and implementation. This review draws on the past three years of research focusing on strength and conditioning within military communities, exploring the current themes of research and the implications of future studies.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Technique Program design strength training HPP human performance programs tactical strength and conditioning TSAC

From College to Command—Human Performance Optimization and the Army ROTC Cadet

November 19, 2018

Article Members Only

Soldiers in today’s Army should be exposed to realistic and stressful training scenarios. Additionally, they should be educated on the physical, psychological, and cognitive effects of combat and fatigue. Army Reserve Officer Training Corps (AROTC) cadets are an ideal training audience since they are already immersed in an academic environment.

TSAC Facilitators Program design Professional Development ROTC Tactical Athlete Military Training Cadet Training
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