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(31 found)

Mental Toughness: What is it and How do we Train it?

September 24, 2018

Video Members Only

In this video from the NSCA’s 2018 Coaches Conference, sports performance coordinator from Salisbury University, Matt Nein, describes what mental toughness is, skills associated with mental toughness, and how to develop this attribute in athletes.

Coaches Exercise Science Nutrition Program design Mental Skills Mental Toughness Psychological Skills Training PST Athlete Development

Initiating Mental Skills Training with Tactical Athletes—Views of United States Army Hand-to-Hand Combat Instructors

May 28, 2018

Article Members Only

Tactical facilitators are especially well-positioned to integrate mental skills training that may develop more complete tactical athletes who are prepared for dangerous environments. This article offers recommendations for mental skills training based on reported views from a tactical population.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Science Program design Mental Skills Training Tactical Strength and Conditioning TSAC Combat Instructors

Back to Basics: A Common Sense Approach to Coaching the Special Forces Tactical Athlete

June 25, 2016


Understand why the strength and conditioning basics work, how they work, and how they elicit the desired performance outcomes. In this session from the 2016 TSAC Annual Training, Brandon Stone identifies buzzwords like mental toughness, work capacity, and regeneration, as well as how those are integrated into training the program at the 10th Special Forces Group (Airborne).

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Technique Program design regeneration work capacity mental toughness strength and conditioning tactical strength and conditioning TSAC-F TSAC

From Talking the Talk to Walking the Walk: A Demonstration of Mental Toughness Techniques for Tactical Facilitators

April 24, 2017


Learn how to differentiate between the three critical tactical psychological skills related to enhancing tactical athlete performance, and how each tactical psychological skill impacts performance for the tactical athlete. In this session from the NSCA’s 2017 TSAC Annual Training, Peter Jensen, PhD, teaches how to apply each tactical psychological skill in a training setting to improve tactical athlete performance.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Technique TSAC Mental Toughness Psychological Skills Tactical Athlete Performance

Integrating Mental and Physical Strength and Conditioning for the Tactical Athlete: What the Research Says

May 1, 2016

Article Members Only

The path to actual integration of mental and physical training for the tactical athlete is paved with growing empiricism. The current challenge is to sustain creative development of functional approaches and demonstrate that integration can deliver potential benefits.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Technique Program design training resiliency mental strength training for tactical athletes tactical strength and conditioning

NSCA’s Coaching Podcast, Episode 28: Matt Nein


Matthew Nein, Head Sports Performance Coach for Salisbury University, talks to the NSCA Head Strength and Conditioning Coach, Scott Caulfield, about receiving the NSCA Collegiate Strength Coach of the Year award, personal and program values, and mental toughness.

Coaches Professional Development

NSCA Tactical Annual Training


Maximize Tactical Readiness & Resilience: Propel Your Strength & Conditioning Career and Support Those Who Serve

Stress Inoculation Training in Tactical Strength and Conditioning

April 1, 2013


Tactical jobs are fast-paced, physically and psychologically intense, and failure can have tragic consequences, making it vital to train tactical athletes to perform better under stress.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Science Program design Safety performing under pressure stress management techniques how to deal with stress stress management stress relief How to handle stress


Are you a young professional looking to broaden your knowledge and career horizons by working with a professional strength and conditioning coach? Apply for the NSCA Foundation Assistantship!

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