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(187 found)

From Talking the Talk to Walking the Walk: A Demonstration of Mental Toughness Techniques for Tactical Facilitators

April 24, 2017


Learn how to differentiate between the three critical tactical psychological skills related to enhancing tactical athlete performance, and how each tactical psychological skill impacts performance for the tactical athlete. In this session from the NSCA’s 2017 TSAC Annual Training, Peter Jensen, PhD, teaches how to apply each tactical psychological skill in a training setting to improve tactical athlete performance.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Technique TSAC Mental Toughness Psychological Skills Tactical Athlete Performance

Military Research—Recent Insights and Implications

August 1, 2015

Article Members Only

Recent advances in research and human performance programs (HPP) has made it possible to learn more about the tactical athlete while creating enhanced methodologies and implementation. This review draws on the past three years of research focusing on strength and conditioning within military communities, exploring the current themes of research and the implications of future studies.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Technique Program design strength training HPP human performance programs tactical strength and conditioning TSAC

Sustaining High Performance of the Tactical Athlete: The Role of Recovery, Part 1

April 30, 2017

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Learn about the effects of recovery in neuroscience to sustain performance. In this session from the NSCA’s 2017 TSAC Annual Training, Mark Stephenson explains the neurophysiological effects of various recovery modalities in sustaining high performance.

TSAC Facilitators Coaches Exercise Science Stress Tactical Athlete Recovery strategies 2017-TSAC-Annual-Training

Microdosing and the Tactical Athlete – Considerations and Opportunities for Time-Critical Performance

December 16, 2022

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This article explains the potential benefits of microdosing training with tactical athletes.

TSAC Facilitators Program design Tactical Athlete Microdosing Resistance Training

Advanced Programming Methods in the Transfer of Training for the Tactical Athlete

April 3, 2020

Video CEU

Cal Dietz, Head Olympic Strength and Conditioning Coach for the University of Minnesota, explains how training is a process that takes time. He shares his insight into the most applicable adaptation and the most effective applications for tactical performance at the 2019 NSCA Tactical Annual Training.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Science Exercise Technique Program design Program Design Foot Strength Structural Adaptations Hormonal Response Arch Collapse

Mixed Type Residual Training

May 1, 2015


What makes a well-rounded athlete, and more importantly, how do you train them? Andy Zalaiskalns, MARSOC Human Performance Strength and Conditioning Coach, discusses a systemic approach to developing the well-rounded tactical athlete.

TSAC Facilitators Program design tsac tsac-f military fitness military training tactical strength and conditioning

Specificity and the Tactical Athlete

September 30, 2022


This article discusses using the principle of specificity as an important component in tactical training programs to enhance performance, decrease injuries, and improve functional longevity of a tactical athlete.

TSAC Facilitators Program design Tactical Athlete Movement Sleep Nutrition Training Load Specificity

Common Pitfalls in the Execution and Integration of Performance and Corrective Strategies in Developing Tactical Athletes

April 26, 2014

Video Members Only

"Pay attention to the details and the corrective exercises because they set the conditions for the success you're going to have executing the big lifts," Jose Cruz says in this hands-on lecture from the NSCA's 2014 TSAC Conference. Jose identifies and discusses missteps when executing and integrating performance and corrective strategies in the tactical athlete.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Technique Program design Jose Cruz corrective exercise

Sunshine and Sushi: Why the Tactical Athlete Should Care about N-3s and Vitamin D

May 1, 2015


In this session from the 2015 TSAC Conference, Nick Barringer explores the roles of n-3 fatty acids and vitamin D in the body, and how insufficient levels of either can negatively affect performance.

TSAC Facilitators Nutrition Tactical Athlete Nutrition Vitamin D Performance

Loading and Unloading Strategies: Managing All Variables within a Comprehensive Program

June 19, 2020


Joel Raether, Director of Sport Performance at Authentic Performance Center, uses this session to take a closer look at how all variables within a program must be addressed to account for cumulative fatigue, density of variables within, and how to manage stressors for the tactical athlete with high demands for physical, mental, physiological, and emotional stress.

TSAC Facilitators Program design TSAC-F Stress Recovery Grip Strength Programming Tactical

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