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(84 found)

NSCA’s Coaching Podcast, Episode 10: Jim Davis


Jim Davis, Director of the Good Athlete Project, talks to the NSCA Head Strength and Conditioning Coach, Scott Caulfield, about developments in high school coaching, options for how to structure and fund a high school position, coaching for kindness, and the application of cognitive neuroscience to fitness and exercise.

Coaches Professional Development hs-coaching

High School Strength and Conditioning Coach of the Year


The High School Strength and Conditioning Coach of the Year Award is awarded to a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist® (CSCS) who has demonstrated excellence the field of high school strength and conditioning.

Professional Strength and Conditioning Coach of the Year Award(2)


The Professional Strength and Conditioning Coach of the Year Award is given to an outstanding Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist® (CSCS) with RSCC distinction, for their dedication to improving the performance of athletes with safe and effective science-based programs.

Assistant College Strength and Conditioning Coach of the Year


The Assistant College Strength and Conditioning Coach of the Year Award is given to an outstanding Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist® (CSCS) who has demonstrated dedication to improving athletic performance at the college level.

College Strength and Conditioning Coach of the Year Award


The College Strength and Conditioning Coach of the Year Award is given to an outstanding Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist® (CSCS) to recognize their dedication to improving athletic performance with safe and effective science-based programs.

Exercise Technique: Front Squat

May 1, 2015


Exercise Technique: Front Squat

Coaches High school coaching sports conditioning coaching technique sports training recovery hs-coaching

Exercise Technique: Biceps Curl

May 1, 2015


Exercise Technique: Biceps Curl

Coaches Warm up Warm ups how to warm up for exercise xercise program design coaching technique hs-coaching

2018 Strength and Conditioning Coaches Salary Survey

May 6, 2019


In this session from the NSCA’s 2019 Coaches Conference, prominent strength coaches explore what the 2018 coaching salary survey results tell us about the profession and how to move forward.

Coaches Professional Development Salary Coaches CSCS hs-coaching

Bridge: Optimizing Squat Technique

May 1, 2015


This video demonstrates coaching cues that can help an athlete to utilize optimal squat technique. It specifically addresses stance width, heel position, head position, and squat depth

Personal trainers TSAC Facilitators Coaches Exercise Technique exercise technique squat exercise squat best way to squat squat technique hs-coaching

High School Coaching Bundle, from the NSCA’s 2016 National Conference

July 30, 2016


This bundle includes videos of five of the best high school coaching sessions from the NSCA’s 2016 National Conference. If you could not attend the sessions live, this is the next best thing. CEU quiz available.

Coaches Exercise Science Nutrition Program design Legal Issues Professional Development LTAD Player development High School Strength and Conditioning Strength and Conditioning Coaches Athletic Development hs-coaching

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