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(95 found)

Psychology of Supplementation

November 19, 2018


In this NSCA 2017 Personal Trainers Conference video, Shawn Arent talks about the psychology of supplementation as well as the effects attitude, perception, and behavior has on the actual benefits of supplements.

Personal trainers Coaches Nutrition Exercise Technique Supplementation Supplements Psychology

Introduction to Sport Psychology

June 1, 2017 - June 1, 2017


Similarities and overlaps exist between the realm of sport psychology and the profession of strength and conditioning coaching. This article provides a basic introduction to sport psychology and provides some guidance for preliminary directions; ideally, it will help strength and conditioning coaches find effective people and resources to help them in their coaching pursuits.

Coaches Exercise Science NSCA Coach Introduction to Sport Psychology Sport Psychology mental training strength and conditioning

Integration of Women into the World of Modern Warfighter

April 29, 2013


Dr. William Kraemer, PhD, CSCS,*D, FNSCA, and Tunde Szivak, MA, presented at the 2013 TSAC Conference on the integration of women into the world of modern war fighting, and discussed their physiology and social/psychology.

TSAC Facilitators Organization and Administration Professional Development social/psychology women Physiology Women in Modern War TSAC Tactical Athlete

Sharpening the Mental Edge: The Use of Sport Psychology Techniques in Strength and Conditioning

November 20, 2020

Article Members Only

Adam Feit, Coordinator of Physical and Mental Performance at Springfield College, discusses the use of psychological skills in collegiate strength and conditioning and shares his insight into how strength coaches are in an optimal position to incorporate more of these skills into the weight room.

Coaches Professional Development Psychological Skills Mental Performance Performance Potential Professional Development

CPSS Eligibility Requirements


Learn about the education and experience requirements for the Certified Performance and Sport Scientist certification. The NSCA's CPSS requirements allow for three different eligibility routes based on your level of post-secondary education.

CPSS Scope of Practice


The Certified Performance and Sport Scientist (CPSS) is a practitioner with training and applied experiences across the scientific disciplines applicable to sport science and athletic performance (i.e., generalist) or predominantly within a select few (i.e., specialist). These scientific disciplines, as related to sports performance, include, but are not limited to: biomechanics, data science, nutrition, physiology, psychology, research methods, and strength and conditioning. A CPSS demonstrates competency in the application of scientific disciplines, assessment, training theory and process, needs analysis, monitoring, communication, and education with the primary goal of safely and effectively improving athletic performance.

NSCA’s Coaching Podcast, Episode 89: Dr. Josiah Igono


Josiah Igono, Director of Peak Performance for the Texas Rangers Major League Baseball (MLB) team, talks to the NSCA Coaching and Sport Science Program Manager, Eric McMahon, about what defines performance. Topics under discussion include the importance of coaching mental skills, diversifying your skillsets as a coach, and leaving a legacy. Find Dr. Igono on Instagram: @josiahigono or Twitter: @JosiahIgono | Find Eric on Instagram: @ericmcmahoncscs or Twitter: @ericmcmahoncscs

Coaches Professional Development

Considering the Mental Health of Athletes

February 19, 2021


The purpose of this article is to explore some phrases that strength and conditioning coaches may hear or behaviors they may witness, and provide some direction to identify which allied healthcare and performance professionals may need to get involved to best help the strength and conditioning coach and athlete elevate their performance.

Coaches Exercise Science Professional Development Mental Health Pandemic Relationships Psychology

Combining Physical and Mental Training

June 1, 2017


Much in the same way that a single movement or a single workout does not make or break a training cycle, the same holds true for mental skills. The challenge is that the strength and conditioning coach will likely need to reach out to another professional trained in sport psychology to help establish the plan and construct the appropriate interventions.

Coaches Exercise Science NSCA Coach physical training mental training sport psychology

NSCA Announces 2017 TSAC Awards


Colorado Springs, CO – MAJ Donald Bigham and Mark Stephenson named the 2017 TSAC-Facilitator and TSAC-Practitioners of the Year at NSCA’s TSAC Annual Training April 3-6, 2017 in Orlando, FL.

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