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Client Consultation|Assessment

(51 found)

Knee Movement and Exercise Guidelines

July 29, 2019


This excerpt from NSCA’s Essentials of Personal Training discusses the importance of education on proper running surfaces, appropriate footwear, and the benefits of cross-training in addressing overuse of the knee.

Personal trainers TSAC Facilitators Coaches Exercise Science Program design Client Consultation|Assessment

Purposes of Assessment

May 1, 2017


The purposes of assessment are to gather baseline data and to provide a basis for developing goals and effective exercise programs. Gathering and evaluating the various pieces of information give the personal trainer a broader perspective of the client. The process and the data collected assist the trainer in identifying potential areas of injury and reasonable starting points for recommended intensities and volumes of exercise based on the goals and fitness outcomes.

Personal trainers Testing and Evaluation Client Consultation|Assessment tests and assessment exercise prescription strength training tactical athlete

Comparing Metabolic Rate Measurement Methods

May 1, 2017


Although accelerometers, pedometers, heart rate monitors, and questionnaires are not as accurate as direct and indirect calorimetry in determining metabolic rate, these less expensive tools can be used to create exercise plans, particularly those focused on health promotion and fitness.

Personal trainers Client Consultation|Assessment metabolism metabolic rate fitness health and wellness

3 Field Methods for Assessing Body Composition

May 1, 2017


This book excerpt describes field methods for assessing body composition that are portable and easy to use for assessment of several people in a short time period.

Personal trainers Coaches Nutrition Testing and Evaluation Client Consultation|Assessment BMI body composition test body composition body fat percentage test body fat testing body fat test BMI test

Training the Older Adult

May 14, 2021

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Hayley Legg, the NSCA Provincial Director for Saskatoon and senior lecturer at St. Mary’s University in London, presents on training the older adult. This includes considerations during the aging process, training implications across the spectrum, and the role of the strength and conditioning practitioner.

Personal trainers Coaches Exercise Science Program design Client Consultation|Assessment Basic Pathophysiology and Science of Health Status or Condition and Disorder or Disease Injury Prevention Independence Osteoporosis Osteopenia Sarcopenia Postural Control

Performance Considerations for the UFC Fighter during Fight Camp

April 30, 2021


Matt Crawley, Strength and Conditioning Coach and Internship Coordinator for the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) Performance Institute, discusses performance considerations around testing and programming for UFC fighters, as well as the role of the strength and conditioning coach within the interdisciplinary team.

Coaches Program design Testing and Evaluation Client Consultation|Assessment UFC Performance Consultation Weight Class Energy Systems Fighting

Advanced Individualization: The Overhead Pattern

September 3, 2019


In this 2018 Personal Trainer Conference hands on presentation, Dr. John Rusin demonstrates how he screens and assesses the upper body and shoulder complex, as well as discusses how to program horizontal and vertical pushing and pulling patterns accordingly.

Personal trainers Exercise Technique Program design Client Consultation|Assessment Upper Body Pushing Upper Body Pulling Shoulder Complex Overhead Position Scapula

Sport Injuries: Patterns, Trends, and Current Thinking

July 8, 2019

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World renowned Olympic training coach, Dan Pfaff, discusses how coaches can become a better performance supplier when managing athletic injuries. Pfaff also explains how to reduce lost time in practice and competitions, as well as how to reduce acute and chronic injury factors.

Coaches Exercise Science Exercise Technique Program design Client Consultation|Assessment Sports Medicine Kinetic Chain Movement Screening Return to Play Gait Control Motor Patterns

The Science of the Somatosensory System: Enhancing Movement Accuracy

June 17, 2019


As a podiatrist, human movement specialist, and worldwide leader in barefoot science and rehabilitation, Emily Splichal has developed a keen eye for movement dysfunction and neuromuscular control during gait. In this session from the NSCA’s 2018 National Conference, Splichal discusses reflexive stabilization, macro- and micro-stability and how it relates to injury risk, and a ground-up approach to activation.

Personal trainers Coaches Exercise Science Exercise Technique Client Consultation|Assessment Barefoot Activation Stabilization Somatosensory Fascia

From Inspiration to Passion, the Five Constructs of the Motivation Process

January 22, 2019

Video Members Only

In this 2018 NSCA Personal Training Conference video, Mike Israetel describes how to create and develop motivation in your clients, and how to understand the process of motivation in people.

Personal trainers Exercise Science Client Consultation|Assessment Professional Development Motivation Motivation for Client Personal Training Goals Goals

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