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Testing And Evaluation

(151 found)

Using Lactate Threshold Data

February 25, 2022


This excerpt explains the role that lactate plays in exercise metabolism and how that information is useful for athletes to predict things like pacing, fitness, and efficacy of training programs.

Personal trainers TSAC Facilitators Coaches Exercise Science Program design Testing and Evaluation Lactate Threshold ATP Glycogen Stores Marathon

Sport Performance and Heart Rate

July 10, 2020


This article reviews the use of heart rate as a way to program cardiovascular exercise.

Personal trainers TSAC Facilitators Coaches Exercise Science Testing and Evaluation Heart Rate Range Karvonen Method Cardiovascular Exercise

Performing a Lactate Threshold Test

January 26, 2020


This excerpt from NSCA's Guide to Tests and Assessments briefly discusses the method behind a lactate threshold test and the pretest considerations one might take prior to this test.

Personal trainers TSAC Facilitators Coaches Testing and Evaluation Lactate Threshold Energy Systems Blood Lactate ATP

Functional Core Assessment

October 11, 2019


This excerpt from Developing the Core discusses two testing methods that may predict a strong or weak core based on how well the participant completes the task.

Personal trainers TSAC Facilitators Coaches Testing and Evaluation Core SEBT Single-Leg Squat Test

Needs Analysis for a Tactical Athlete

March 25, 2019


Learn the basics of conducting a needs analysis for tactical athletes based on the athlete’s goals and desired outcomes, assessments, limitations on workout frequency and duration, equipment availability, health and injury status, and occupational physiological demands.

TSAC Facilitators Program design Testing and Evaluation Tactical Needs Analysis TSAC-F

Assessing Power in Youth Populations

December 31, 2018


The administration and measurement of youth power development has become more available and familiar with the advances of technology. This excerpt introduces varieties of testing and administration practices to assess power in the youth population.

Personal trainers Coaches Program design Testing and Evaluation Power Developing Power Youth Training LTAD hs-coaching

Sport Performance and Body Composition

June 1, 2017


All fitness components depend on body composition to some extent, and the demands of many sports require that athletes maintain standard levels of body composition.

Coaches Exercise Science Testing and Evaluation body composition weight classes body fat lean body mass

History of Fitness Testing in Tactical Occupations

June 1, 2017


Physical assessments have evolved as a result of developments in scientific research, equipment loads, operational environments, and doctrine.

TSAC Facilitators Testing and Evaluation Fitness testing TSAC tactical strength and conditioning

Aerobic Endurance Measures and Analyses

June 1, 2017


The VO2max test is the most effective measurement of the body’s ability to deliver and use oxygen for producing energy that can be used by the muscles. VO2max (i.e., maximum aerobic power) simply stands for the maximal volume of oxygen that can be used.

Coaches Exercise Science Testing and Evaluation Aerobic endurance aerobic training endurance training strength and conditioning

Speed and Agility Testing Process

May 1, 2017


In order to ensure consistent and accurate results, coaches must take certain steps to ensure proper data collection. It is also important to establish sound protocols prior to testing.

Coaches Organization and Administration Testing and Evaluation testing for sports performance how to test agility speed testing agility testing

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